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5027 steve

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Everything posted by 5027 steve

  1. Ok so water pump and thermostat housing are removed and I noticed the bolts go into the water jacket....what do I use on the threads when I reassemble them.....to seal them in the water jacket...Thanks Steve
  2. Wow thanks ...good explanation..
  3. Just wandering do I get banned from this site or did I get black listed or something??????
  4. Ok got it out .....whew......I want to do a compression check ....what are normal reading if there is one....
  5. Ok got one out and one not....suggestions please
  6. Ok men I'm back at it ..... I'm having problems with water pump/thermostat housing bolts ......feels like I'm going to snap them off should I #1- Try and apply heat to head/block??? #2-If that doesn't work .. Grind heads off the bolts so I still have the shaft portion on the bolts to try and get out.....2 of the 3 water pump bolts came out like butter but the one with the gen bracket won't budge....THANKS Steve
  7. Yes u are correct
  8. Ok I may be wrong with how u just described a 4 speed so 1st gear is pretty much useless is what your saying......I just thought a 4 speed would help on the 3 and 4th gear .. .....Thanks for the info...
  9. Ok been awhile...that's life.....is it possible to find a 4 speed trany for this truck???? How do I find a application ,what I mean is I would think the 4 speed was used in cars as well as trucks.is there such a thing as a cross reference guide in any way shape or form ???? Thanks ....
  10. I used EWG ....by slip2000.....it is extreme weapons grease I use it on all my A.R.'S it is a outstanding high temp grease puts up to a lot of heat and abuse....THANKS
  11. I found a 7/16 o.d. rubber grommet to fit like a glove...I'm not worried about it wearing out becausecthectruck will be limited use...
  12. Outstanding idea!!!! I was thinking rubber grommets ....THANK YOU
  13. Thanks ....steve
  14. We already did that with the tires and still have the wobble ....thanks
  15. Is there any way of checking for a rear bent axle without pulling the axle out??? We have a wobble on the drivers rear tire..we already took wheel off and had it checked for a bent rim and the rim is straight as a arrow....Thanks
  16. Yea can u believe that someone actually would even move a vehicle....the rims were 3/4 of a inch off the brake drum tightened to the 1/4 bolts.......Just nuts
  17. wow first time i logged on at home computer things look a lot different.....better than smart phone......
  18. Found this last night about 11pm lol thanks Merle ....
  19. Anyone on the 23-67-89 part number =bushings for wiper arms???
  20. Thanks and the hub a rear grease seal of it own. .. But I'm trying to find how to set the axle lash with the shims in the book....
  21. So I take it the hub assembly has a key way in it????? Thats what's in the pic on the top......making more sense now pretty cool engineering on that port to grease the bearing....also now I see there is a inner axle seal and a outer axle seal ......to trap the grease between the two so the rear end fluid doesn't mix and wash out the grease ????? Am I thinking correctly ????
  22. Yes sir have that in my book....I just received my parts list book which will help also .....
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