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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2024 in all areas

  1. I drove up there yesterday and bought a carb. Spent 45 minutes with the owner and he gave me all kinds of advice. I got home and in 10 minutes I had the new carburetor installed and the idle mixture adjusted close enough that the car had run better than it had in a very long time. I still have to do a few adjustments to the linkage. Once I get it set correctly and have a chance to drive it I'm going to start a new thread on these carburetors. So far I am extremely impressed. The owner asked me exactly what car I was putting it on and he said he adjusted it for my car. He said I should not have to touch the main jet adjustment at all.
    1 point
  2. Wow. Looks great! Please keep posting as I love watching these old cars get freshened up.
    1 point
  3. As you can see, I'm now working on re-fabricating the floor pan and the floor supports. I decided to keep the center floor hump as it would be too hard to recreated. Therefore, I've cut away the rusted parts and I'm now working to weld in some new support beams. I have a short section of a 1x2" rectangular tube to work with. As you can see I was going to follow the bending of the existing floor supports by cutting and welding the rectangular tube, however, it is about 3/8" too high as you can see in the pictures below. I contacted the metal shop and they are going to bend some steel to match the current beams. I thought it would be super expensive, but turns out to not be that bad. I will then cut them into sections and weld them to the existing floor pan (center) section that I am keeping.
    1 point
  4. That's for a bypass, not a full time, oil filter. The OP already has a bypass setup.
    1 point
  5. additional information - spin-on bypass oil filter installation additional information - spin-on bypass oil filter installed
    1 point
  6. On the 23" 6's the output of the oil pump has a passage in the block, two holes are drill and tapped in that passage, a plug is inserted between the two holes. The filter is plumbed by using the newly made hole closest to the pump as the supply to the filter housing and the return from the filter housing is plumbed into the second newly made hole. Me? I'd prefer to make a new cover for the pump and have the supply hole there. Then the return hole would be in the block and the output of the pump to the block is plugged.
    1 point
  7. I performed an oil change and had the opportunity to insert one of the Baldwin filters that I bought off Fee Bay last year. Fits great, and the gasket fits too. Despite missing the inner "dome", it seems to work fine so far. One thing that is missing is a seal at the top of the element, which would allow unfiltered oil to flow to the outlet. To mitigate, I installed two steel washers with an I.D. equal to the shaft diameter, with an o-ring sandwiched in between them, compressed by a spring as shown. Maybe it might do something...
    1 point
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