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I received a call from our daughter yesterday afternoon asking me to give her a ride to the doctor as her horse had thrown her. We ended up at the hosital where they found that she had broken her back in 7 places, had broken ribs and they had to put staples in the back of her head.

Good news no spinal cord damage.

Now we are trying to talk our grandson (her son) into walking with his High School Graduation class tonight.



Holy cow…,

How was she even able to get into a car. I would think that an ambulance and a backboard would have been the solution. She must have an extremely high tolerance to pain.

Wish her well and a speedy recovery,



Hope she recovers quiclky. Tell you grandson he will oly have one chance to graduate from Highschools with all his buds. He mother I'm sure will want him to participate.


Thanks guys for the well wishes for our daughter. My wife is taking her to the Ortho Doctor this afternoon. Our daughter has borrowed a wheel chair and says that she, no matter how many pain pills she has to take, is going to graduation tonight come he-- or high water.



We just got home from graduation, our Grandson walked with his class and our daughter was there in her wheel chair to see him graduate in the top 25 of his class. As soon as he walked the walk our daughter asked us to take her home as she was in a lot of pain.

The doctor told us today that there is nothing he can do exept let the breaks heal on there own.




Seems to me she learned her ethics from somewhere. As obvious is that she handed a bit of them to her son. Is his name Dennis?

She is in our prayers until she is blessed with a full recovery, as are you and everyone else involved. Was she kissed yet by that Angel with Down's Syndrome" I think Lady Lynn has a direct link to that connection should the need arise.

Lynn & Randy St. John


Hi Dennis, I had a motorcycle accident years ago and broke a couple of disc. I was put in a back brace, it really helped, I continued to work as a bricklayer. I hope that she recovers as well, even though her injuries are greater, than mine. Ask her ortho about a brace. Tony C

Hi Dennis, I had a motorcycle accident years ago and broke a couple of disc. I was put in a back brace, it really helped, I continued to work as a bricklayer. I hope that she recovers as well, even though her injuries are greater, than mine. Ask her ortho about a brace. Tony C

Tony, I had my back broken in 78 and that is why the Sheriff's Dept required me to retire.

Her Ortho Doc said that the way hers is broken a brace could make it worse.



Dennis, Sorry to hear of your Daughters accident, all the best for her in a speedy recovery, take care of the family...............Fred

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