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Santa Maria over Run, Maxwell holed up in the old Pepsi Plant!!!

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Hey Dave have the Hambers overrun your sleepy little burg? Is all the flat paint screwing up the sunsets??? Is the smog form all those non emissioned engines causing massive upper respritory distress.




The Boro Hot Rod Club had ther annual show today. I had the only true Hot Rod (excepting the big buck rods) there. It was 80+ degrees and I am sun burned. Why are all these sunny Californians wearing long sleeved triple layered clothes?


Apparently its only in the high 60's so they still have their winter clothes on. Anything over 50 with sunshine here is shorts and t shirt weather.

The Boro Hot Rod Club had ther annual show today. I had the only true Hot Rod (excepting the big buck rods) there. It was 80+ degrees and I am sun burned. Why are all these sunny Californians wearing long sleeved triple layered clothes?

Santa Maria is close enough to the ocean that it can get the cool air. However I think the big thing is an unusual low pressure system over California. Caused rains in the LA area yesterday resulting in mud slides and a couple of tornados. And the high here in the southern part of the SF Bay Area was about 65F.

Where I live anything below 70F is grounds for wearing a jacket while anything over 75F is grounds for complaining about a heat wave. Those poor souls that live inland from the SF Bay have to deal with freezing weather during winter and scorching heat in summer.


It had been very warm,dry and windy for more than a week up here in the gold country until last night. It's been raining on and off now for about 24 hours. It's a good thing I suppose cause it has put a damper on the fire danger for a while. Sure screwed up my out door plans though.

End of weather report.


...and my wife and were out there sucking in all those wonderful uncatalytically converted petrol fumes!!! Loved it!!! They say over 1,000 cars registered and who knows how many others were there like myself. Was too busy gawking to snap many pictures (I'll try and do that tomorrow), but I did manage to get this pic taken of my wife, Lydia and I next to a D-24 that was parked with a For Sale sign in the window. Overpriced I'm afraid. I did see about seven P15s, three D24s and a Desoto S11.


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