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Hi all, when I first got the clock running last fall, it was slow, I then cleaned the clock, olied it, it now runs fast, about 15 minutes fast every 24 hours, I did back the setting toward slower on the back of the clock, so far that did nothing, will try to set it even slower, any idea what might cause this any of you electronic gurus.......Thanx Fred



Personally, I think you're beating a dead horse trying to get one of the old car clocks to keep accurate time. Even back when the cars were new, I've never seen one keep accurate time. The only car clocks I've seen keep accurate time are the newer digital type like in our modern cars today.


you may be able to carefully wick it off with a lint free peice of cloth..maybe a piece of thread...you should be able to see the spring coil touching another coil..this shortens the oscillation and thus speeds the clock...that is about the only thing to cause one to go super fast..if bound and not due to oil it could be sprung due to rough action during cleaning..as in I hope you did not blow dry or you had it around a magnatized object and have bound the coild due to magnetism..yu will have to pass it through a demagnatizing coil...


I think I will live with a clock running fast or better yet maybe I could mail it to you, for servicing............Fred


If you wanted to go to the trouble and expense--someone could convert

it to a battery operated quartz clock. Would look original, just have the

quartz stuff behind the face. I think my clock works to some extent, but

have left it unhooked so it's right twice a day. Kind of like my radio.....

it plays the sound of silence.


I have a number cars that have their old clocks converted to quartz. They keep very acurate time. Cost is about $180. Instrument Services does it. They're on the net.


I like to have the old style clocks in my cars, '38 Chrysler and '48 Dodge. Neither keeps perfect time but are fairly accurate. Any time I disconnect the battery they stop of course and I just reset the time when I go next time.. ...or not. I just like the fact that I have a running clock in my cars.


Well, I guess I'm just too conservative (or as some may say "Cheap":D ). I can't see spending $150 to $300 or more for a P15 clock that doesn't work, then another $150 to $200 to have it fixed. For that kind of money, the $35 or $40 watch on my wrist works great for me.:) It never looses or gains a second, perfect time, all the time, plus it also tells me the day and date.:) So, I'll stick with it and leave the nice shinny delete plate in the dash.


When you go to a swap meet, just keep looking in the boxes of assorted

models parts. I found an extra clock one guy had - he didn't know they are like solid gold on the P15 circuit. I think I paid maybe $15 for it. The face

is a little dusty and would need cleaning before being installed---and it probably doesn't work. But will look just fine if I ever need it. (Maybe someday I'll find another P15 I can afford.)


I like the fact my factory clock works, even though it's 15 minutes fast every 24 hours. Like your self, the battery switch is turned to off, when the car is not being driven, I can live with the clock as it is, will not pay big bucks at this point for the clock to be repaired or altered...............Fred

Well' date=' I guess I'm just too conservative (or as some may say "Cheap":D ). I can't see spending $150 to $300 or more for a P15 clock that doesn't work, then another $150 to $200 to have it fixed. For that kind of money, the $35 or $40 watch on my wrist works great for me.:) It never looses or gains a second, perfect time, all the time, plus it also tells me the day and date.:) So, I'll stick with it and leave the nice shinny delete plate in the dash.[/quote']


I cant believe you actually spent money on a wristwatch. I have seen the pictures of your garage wall clock. I would think that you can most likely see the clock from the end of your driveway so you know when your twenty minute drive is over and it is time to pull back into the garage.:D

Now if you ever do actually drive down the street I am sure there is a bank or jewelry store clock on most every corner. So keeping a brest of the time is not that difficult today. I do not own a wristwatch that works. Also if you are driving in your modern car simply turn on the radio and you will get a report of what time it is every few moments on most any radio station.


I cant believe you actually spent money on a wristwatch. I have seen the pictures of your garage wall clock. I would think that you can most likely see the clock from the end of your driveway so you know when your twenty minute drive is over and it is time to pull back into the garage.:D

Now if you ever do actually drive down the street I am sure there is a bank or jewelry store clock on most every corner. So keeping a brest of the time is not that difficult today. I do not own a wristwatch that works. Also if you are driving in your modern car simply turn on the radio and you will get a report of what time it is every few moments on most any radio station.


I do not watch the time on my watch or clocks. That's a waste of time, because you do what you have to do, regardless of what time it is. So.....when you come down to it, just like you don't need a GPS to tell where you are, you don't need a watch or clock either. Just look at the sun or moon and you'll be close to the right time.:D :D

Based on the above, I don't pay much attention to either the clocks around, or my watch. If you want to verify that, just ask my son, it drives him crazy to look at my clocks.:cool: The clock on my desk phone is never right because I never set it to begin with. The clock hanging on the garage wall and my basement shop wall is only right for half the year. That's because I don't change the time when daylight savings time comes and goes.:D A few weeks ago my son looked at the clock hanging over the kitchen sink and said it was wrong. Looked and sure enough, he was right. Told him to reset it if it bothered him. He did and hung it back up. Little while later he looked and said the clock wasn't running. He was right again. Told him I guess the battery must have died. Next time he came over he looked at the clock and said; "Dad you didn't change the battery yet." Told him I forgot because we never really look at that clock anyway. The clock still doesn't have a new battery in it.:D It also bothers him to see the clocks I don't have set and the ones that are only right 6 months out of the year due to time changes.

On that note, when I put a new battery and alternator in the van last fall it took me about a month before I realized I had not reset that clock too. I rarely look at it either.:D

Norm..I am very surprised to see or should I say hear that the clocks as worthless as they are are still at your house..deep six them babies while you still got your sanity....


I don't even need an alarm clock. My body is so use to getting up between 5 AM and 5:30 AM I wake up with out an alarm clock at that time every morning, no matter what time I went to bed the night before. Haven't used an alarm clock for the past 10 years or more. I have a built in one.:cool::D

Guest P15-D24

DIY or they will install. Works great, I had them do one of my clocks 15 years ago and it still works great. Can't tell it has been moded other than it keeps the correct time. :D


Guys any advice for this clock? The bottom mounting tab is broken off and I think the screw inside the stem for setting is now broken too.


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