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I know I haven't been on for a while.... however, something that I started a couple of years ago, well, I'd like to continue....in the past it seemed to have been a success, so here goes....

I sent an email for GTK to put it on the main board, but in the meantime, here is your P15-D24 calendar for 2008. The works in progress and the trucks calendars will follow, and the links will be posted here.

If you like it and use it and care to make a donation to this site in my name, go right ahead..... enjoy.


The link for the P15-D24 calendar (approx ~9-10 Mb PDF file)



Thanx for the kind words.....

You'll find the works in progress calendar here;


To download;

click on the link....

scroll down the page to where there are 2 buttons; premium and free

If you dont have an account, click on the free button

Another page will show up with a "server" from which you want to download from and possibly a code to enter (to prevent "bots" from downloading). You then save the file to disk and open it from there.



After clicking the "free" button, you'll get a timer showing that you'll be able to download in about 30 seconds (wait till the timer counts down) and then the following will show up;

You have requested http://rapidshare.com/files/77101634/2008-worksinprogress.pdf (8864 KB).

Download via Teleglobe

Download via GlobalCrossing

Download via Level(3)

Download via Level(3) #2

Download via TeliaSonera

Download via Cogent

No premium user. Please enter


and a code will appear around the "please enter XXXX here (enter in the 4 digit code where the xxxx's are) and then it will download....




Its called searching through the last year of posts and finding as many large and clear pictures as I can.... then trying to not put the same pics as the years previous.... and as many different ones as I can....



Is there any way to just view the calendar stuff for now. I don't want

to try and print it on my printer at home. Will do it at work.....but would

like to see.

So you're saying I make it just because I take lots of pics? Awe

Not necessarily Ed..... you take lots of nice big pics..... just like there is one photographer that has at least 2 if not 3 pics in the calendar... because he always seems to take great pics.... and he just happened to take pics of others cars in the past year.

After making the first calendar, which had one month I wasn't proud of, not because of the nice car in the pic, but because of the quality of the pic itself (that didn't print out good because it was too stretched for the original pic as compared to on the calendar).... the trucks calendar is going to be even harder due to the amount of pics shown on the other forum (some had been used in a previous calendar also, so I'd prefer to use other pics instead).



There is a thread on there from a while ago titled something like have you driven a pilot house. I think that one had a ton of pics.


Allan......I can't seem to get there from here. Won't go on to do the job

at least not from work here, where I would want to print it.


Rapidshare may be a blocked site at your workplace.... If your mailbox is big enough you could email it from your home to your workplace... or even send it to your workplace by some kind of file transfer....



When I tried to download it from home, the 4 digit code didn't appear in either of the browsers that I tried. Came to work and used IE 7, and there they were!


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