Jeff Ivan Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 You have to read it to believe it. This could go either way, from worse case scenario to the best thing that could happen. I'll just sit back and watch what develops now. =Jeff= Industry News: BREAKING! Jim Press Leaves Toyota, Takes Vice-Chairman Seat at Chrysler! Quote
Jeff Ivan Posted September 6, 2007 Author Report Posted September 6, 2007 Quote
Jeff Ivan Posted September 6, 2007 Author Report Posted September 6, 2007 Link works now,sorry for my computer stooge-ness Quote
62rebelP23 Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 we won't know until the results are in. could be the step Chryco has been waiting for, or it could be a foot in the grave. maybe they'll revive the Plymouth name this time. Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 Not sure about reviving the Plymouth name. Just look at what they did with the Aspen name. The Aspen was a Dodge originally in the 70's and early 80's. Now they came out with a Chrysler Aspen. Maybe the Dodge logo is the next to go. Not sure since I no longer follow Chrysler that much, but don't they also have a Chrysler Concord. Concord belonged to Plymouth at one time. Quote
Young Ed Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 The new concord is spelled concorde I think. Similar certainly. There have been rumors about bringing back plymouth though. Quote
Plymouthy Adams Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 British Airways Concorde Plymouth Concord Chrysler Concorde AMC Concord Kia concorde USS Concord Blackbeard ship...Concord F-111 Concord Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 Ed, I guess they were trying to be Trendy with the e on the end. Pronounced the same as the old Concord though. I did hear they were talking about possibly bringing back the Plymouth name too. However, someone with some wishful thinking may have just started that rumor. Guess time will tell which way they are headed. I wouldn't knock Chrysler for bringing in someone at the top from Toyota. After all Toyota is at the top now, just a little behind GM. Maybe that guy can do something to help sales at Chrysler, like the Ford guy Ioaccoa did back in the 70's for Chrysler. Quote
62rebelP23 Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 musical group the conchords... the fictional Florida biker gang the Conch Hordes... the counterpart to the Aspen was the Volare, i had one once, will never understand why they used that name. what was wrong with Valiant? no tougher compact car was built than Valiants and Darts. (and i love Falcons!) had so many Mopars with cool names; Satellite Sebring, Coronet 500, Road Runner. whatheheck is a calibre? who thought that up? lemme at that CEO spot i'll show you how to build some flippin MOPARs get that Jeep stuff outta here cut those back doors off that "charger" and let's get the design staff on some B-body revival here! if they could couple some real revival design with that lifetime powertrain warranty they'll get the customers back. Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 I doubt you'll see that lifetime warranty last very long on future cars. Daimler did that just before selling out. Think they did it to boost sales and unload a lot of inventory. Not sure, but I'll bet that warranty is only good for the original owner. So........really it's just a 4 to 6 year warranty. Based on people only driving about 12 to 15,000 a year (some much less), that works out to only about 48 to 60,000 miles or 4 to 6 years. My wifes car has a 100,000 mile, 10 year warranty, and it can be transferred to a new owner. So.......which is better? Most people trade after 4 to 6 years, so that lifetime warranty will only last that long. it really a lifetime warranty. Not really, because the car could be on the road another 5 to 10 years after the original owner trades it, then it has no warranty. Quote
Young Ed Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 If they had this warranty in 94 my dakota could still be under warranty at 13 years old and 166K miles. Of course that would have meant being slightly creative and not transfering the title when I bought it from dad in 2000. Otherwise it does fit in with your 6 year rule. They also do have a clause that if you sell it really quickly it reverts to a regular type warranty. Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted September 6, 2007 Report Posted September 6, 2007 Ed, I think that's what they are banking on. Not that many people will keep their cars more the the 4 to 6 years and then they are off the hook. That lifetime warranty is just another sales gimmick to get people into the show room and buy cars. For the very small few that do, they won't be out that much money to repair them under the warranty. So, they still come out ahead. Quote
Young Ed Posted September 7, 2007 Report Posted September 7, 2007 Norm thats how all warrantys work. They hope to pay out as little as possible. Chrysler did very well when they introduced the 5yr 50K mile warranty as an industry first so I wouldn't be surprised if this one does them well too. Quote
Don Coatney Posted September 7, 2007 Report Posted September 7, 2007 British Airways ConcordePlymouth Concord Chrysler Concorde AMC Concord Kia concorde USS Concord Blackbeard ship...Concord F-111 Concord Dont forget the comedy skit and movie the concords. Er I think I got confused. Coneheads not concordes. Quote
Plymouthy Adams Posted September 7, 2007 Report Posted September 7, 2007 Better hope the family did not read this be shunned at the next reunion... I was happy when Chrysler went back and pulled a few trinkets out of the archives...the Quality enblem for Chrysler..the ship for the last couple Plymouths made...not sure if we will ever see the Fratzog again..was not happy with the 300 put on a four door car..ever..same with Charger..truly POed when the 79 Cordoba 300 with the E58 HiPo engine did not get "lettered ' but the 4 door M letter was introduced..get real...some things are time honored traditions that if cannot be followed should be left the hang alone... I do hope to see some changes in the company for the better..the Plymouth name back on the sale lot for one.. Quote
greg g Posted September 7, 2007 Report Posted September 7, 2007 And now the Aspen is the Gussied up badge engineered Chrysler clone of the Durango. Did Chrysler sign in with George Forman, what is with the hood creases?????? Quote
greg g Posted September 7, 2007 Report Posted September 7, 2007 And Tim it gets worse.....How about the new Imperial, the tall 300 with suicide rear doors. I guess they didn't learn fro VW's Pheaton excersize. Quote
Norm's Coupe Posted September 7, 2007 Report Posted September 7, 2007 Greg, That Imperial is about Butt Ugly IMHO. That's the first time I saw one of those. As mentioned I don't follow new cars that much anymore. That said, it seems just about all new cars have those Butt Ugly, boxy front ends on them. Quote
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