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Good evening all,


I'm new to the forum, and to flathead Mopars as well. I recently picked up a '54 Savoy sedan as a project, and I'm currently having issues with the Carter BBS 920S carb. The issue is that the gasket between the upper half of the carb that has the "climatic" choke and the lower half with the fuel bowl seeps fuel during and after driving. It's a paper-type gasket and it's visibly wet after driving the car around, and the interior smells strongly of fuel because of this. I've pulled the carb apart and verified that the gasket is the correct one, and ensured that all of the screws are tight between the two halves but it still leaks fuel. The carb was rebuilt by a shop in October of last year for the previous owner, and the shop had originally stuck two of the same gaskets between the halves which makes me think they thought this would solve the leak.


A few other things I've noticed about the carb are that it's missing the step-up rod, that the purple/pink gasket at the end of the accelerator pump looks worn and is exposing the springs behind it, and that the car's exhaust pops a good bit during deceleration or when I rev it up in neutral. Makes me think this gasket leak is causing a lean issue? I'll post a photo of the gasket below for reference. Any help will be greatly appreciated, and any tips on what carbs would be a good direct-replacement for this would be appreciated as well. Thanks for reading!




check your float level to start with and while the top is off, check the carb gasket surfaces for flatness with a staightedge

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The acc pump plungers are still available. That carb was mused on many slant six engines. Try Napa or check e bay. Sounds like you float setting is too high, or the needle valve may be sticking opened.


You may want to get a rebuild kit and replace those old gaskets. I had that same problem years ago and if I remember correctly I took the top off the carburetor and honed both sides where the gasket is with a fine grit sandpaper on a piece of flat glass.


Agree with Jim on this. get a new complete carby rebuild kit and replace everything that's included in the kit, gaskets, accelerator pump, needle, seat and anything else that's there......at least then you have something to work with that YOU know is right.......also the light sanding of all mounting surfaces is a good idea..........and finally do you have a workshop manual?........worth getting if not........btw welcome to the best mopar forum...........andyd 


So I think I may have found my current carb issue. I noticed with the carb apart that pressing the accelerator plunger sent fuel up a port blocked by the gasket, and the gasket then absorbs this fuel and wicks it around the rest of the gasket, causing it to weep fuel. I've noticed that in other photos of Carter carbs (on slant six engines, for example) this port is usually blocked by a plug of some sort. Does my carb need this plug, and could this be the cause of my current issue? I've circled the port in question in the photo below.




Looking at the circled port, that is where the accelerator pump dumps gas into the throat for a burst of speed. It will spray into the throat and thru the dividing piece in the middle. That said, if there is supposed to be a plug there, it has to be flush with the surface of the carb or it will definitely leak. I think if you replace the gasket you will probably solve your problem. You old gasket might have a hairline tear or wear area around there that is causing the leak. There should be a plug there on the outside of the body just below that hole, to be removed so you can take the jet (it is the little piece of brass you can see just above your red circle in the square cutout) out to clean it. Also look at the carb cover and see if there is a hole in the corresponding position. If there is spray some carb cleaner thru it and see where it comes out.


Those carb's are pretty simple, still you might want to use a magnifying glass and inspect around that hole for a hairline crack or a scratch that might be letting the fuel seep by.




Make sure the bowl cover is flat so it seals tight in that area.  Put it on without the gasket and try to slip an .003 feeler gauge in around the edges.  Rub the bottom of the cover on a sheet of fine sandpaper laid on a flat surface and check to see that it hits all over the gasket surface.

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