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 I read your profile and I see you are 97 years old.  That makes this build even more amazing.   :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

And,.... although I am very senior I'm not 97  :o   I put that birthdate in my profile a few years ago as a joke to see if anyone would notice.  Todd's the first.  I'll settle for 20 off that #  :D 

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Status report as of last evening.  Progress is slow.  Finally got #4 and #6 plumbed to the transition manifold under the pan.  The two more, #3 & #5, coming this way will merge into the horizontal pipes of #2 and #8.  Final welding is a way off and that will be a challenging sequence in order to assure I don't weld myself into a situation that precudes some other part of the assembly process.






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Back in the day whenever I had truck problems my dad always told me to check the muffler bearings!  I am thinking I finally found them on this build..

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This is gettin waaaay off topic from the OT Hemi Build; however, it's all connected in my world and I figger some of you may enjoy my journey.

I decided, "no time like the present" to dispose of the old Chevy engine. So an ad in the local Craig's List to "take a ride while it's running" yielded a buyer who paid for and picked it up two days later.  Also decided after the cowl steering conversion, to redo the front susp. and add bigger (Lincoln) brakes.  Fathers Day Swap Meet is next weekend so out comes the old susp. and brakes to recycle.




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Old suspension is gone.  New stuff, including Lincoln brakes, are on the bench.  




I'm going to try to keep the natural metallic look of many of the new, and some old parts, to contrast with the black.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Test fit of the new engine.  It's moved forward 1" relative to the other engine.  No "oh sh**ts"!  'tho it was tight.



I'm going to take back 3/4 of that inch by trimming about 1" from the toe board hip seen adjacent to the right cylinder head where there is now only about 1/4" of space.  Nothing emerged outside of the fudge factor I allowed.  Gives me more comfortable clearance in several places.  The engine is back out now and the the trans and radiator are off to their respective shops for refresh.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Engine and trans are done.

Took back 1" from the toe board as previously mentioned.







Today and this weekend is engine mounts and soul searching.

I am determined to drive the car to an event 400 miles distant the third week in Aug.  It'll be a test run and tune prior to a 3K mile trip in Oct.  And,.......I am currently "stumped" on how to get that "box of snakes" stuffed inside the rails and terminated into one pipe (on each side) at the firewall.  It'll require a lot of head scratching over the next few days and I am getting nervous about pulling it of, with all the other tasks, in the time I have.  I may have to bail on the Grand Header Plan and buy something.  I need to decide this weekend  :huh: .  Stay tuned.......... 

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Did the pitter patter of rain help you decide or give you more garage time? Seems we've had more rain yesterday & today than all last winter, with temps in the 70's/low 80's........what is this, the South? Anyway, coming along nicely Bill.

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The Grand Header Plan is on hold!  Can't see the solution within the time I have.   #+?@*/ :angry:  And I got the quickest turn around on Sanderson Headers via Summit (3 days) only to discover they'd have to be modified too.  Soooo,......the next dilemma is to decide whether to modify the Sandersons or build a more traditional set from my extensive inventory of scrap mandrel bends.

In the meantime I can work on the firewall, engine mounts, brake, fuel and coolant plumbing, wiring and bolting on the front suspension.  Makes me tired just thinking about that! :huh: 






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Glad to hear that the 180 header plan is only on hold, I'm sure it's a very challenging project but definitely worth bragging rights, I'm also sure your the guy to figure it out. What you need down there is a good solid winter like the colder parts of north america get where there isn't any fun car events to go to so the only thing to do is heat the shop and work  :D   

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Decisions, decisions!

Discovered that I've fit the engine so precisely that I couldn't lift it enough to clear the ears on the frame, soooo,...fabbed removable frame mounts.


And decided since I had so much header material that I should use what I have and re-direct the effort to a more traditional exhaust system.  Tri-Ys are the goal and you see a half a day's work.


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Thank goodness for an extensive inventory of slightly molested U-Bends.  Managed to get most of what I needed from the remnants of the 180 degree attempt.  Good news too is I'm only into the bank for less than half the cost of the Sandersons so far.




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very kool,will you go back to your original  idea on  headers ??

Two week ago I would have said, yes.  However as it usually goes for me, I get distracted with new infatuations.  What I've got so far doesn't look too bad and,.... what I have will give the inevitable critics some material to work with  :o  

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