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Years ago while visiting Indiana and searching for Plymouth parts I was given this 1950 Dodge...deep in the woods..my buddy had to snag it out of there with a tractor..however it was all there..had been parked there and the tires removed and stored in the car..sitting on blocks. When I saw this car and looked it over there was a shedded snake skin..huge sucker to say the least. My bud told me later while driving it back on the trailer to his house to store for me he saw something whipping out int the driver side lane and fearful something would hit oncoming traffic he pulls over for what he said was the longest snake he had ever seen..I ased him what kind..he told me..BIG kind....by the way he had been in and out of the car and trunk retrieving wheels and such most that morning..


...it was a weasel peeking out at you?? If it was about dark around here,,,much more likely to be those darn pesky woodchucks. They dig holes everywhere. I have one in the live trap right now I have to dispose of. I havent seen a weasel in YEARS!!


Here we have Garters, Queen Snakes, Ribbon Snakes, Massasauga Rattle Snakes, Milk Snakes, Water Snakes, and Blue Racer's.

Can't say I've ever seen a snake in the wild here though. Back home in BC though, I have seen Garter snakes migrating in the ocean. It was a scary sight, as they were literally everywhere in the water. Wouldn't want to swim in that, even though they were only Garters.

  D25_Steve said:
Here we have Garters, Queen Snakes, Ribbon Snakes, Massasauga Rattle Snakes, Milk Snakes, Water Snakes, and Blue Racer's.

Can't say I've ever seen a snake in the wild here though. Back home in BC though, I have seen Garter snakes migrating in the ocean. It was a scary sight, as they were literally everywhere in the water. Wouldn't want to swim in that, even though they were only Garters.

Ya forgot the Hog Snake.

Tim, some friends of ours has one of those things as a pet. You guys can keep those.


My son went down to the garage wit me today, He opened the door and went inside and............. nothing not a thing. He laughed so hard It made me mad.:mad: Then we got in the plymouth started it and drove it out, I kept looking down and he laugh even harder. my daughter told him te story last night. They have never seen me afraid of anything. They think it's funny. If you looked between your legs and saw a snake wiggling that's frightening:( I have my Thunderbird and my 55 chevy up here with me so ain't no snakes in there! No 10 cent sale however those antiques 2 for a dollar! The more time that passes the higher the price. You guy's are heartless you all are scaring me more with your stories, That's ok you know Don, when you come out here we are going for a ride in the 40 again and I hope the whole snake family is in there to greet you:) . I want my cars back! I am being terrorized what I need is a robot yelling WARNING, WARNING as Dr. Smith from "lost in space" would say Oh the pain :P

  Rodney Bullock said:
I want my cars back! I am being terrorized what I need is a robot yelling WARNING, WARNING as Dr. Smith from "lost in space" would say Oh the pain :P

Rodney, when you have snakes acting like terrorist it's time to call Homeland Security and have them arrested.:D

  Tim Adams said:
Years ago while visiting Indiana and searching for Plymouth parts I was given this 1950 Dodge...deep in the woods..my buddy had to snag it out of there with a tractor.


I found the farm where your Dodge was.



My ex wife had a couple of uncles with the last name of Balls. Harry and Richard or Dick for short. Bet they dreaded those first days at school when they had to stand up and state their names.


On a lighter note, when I was in college, my wife worked in the registrars office, keeping student records and such. One of her duties was to process name changes. She came home for lunch one day laughing every once and a while. I asked What's so funny?" she said a student came in to file a name change after getting married. I said so whats funny about that? She said the

Ophelia Roberts, married Ira Tittz. Becoming Ophelia Tittz.


Well, I guess her new husband would be considered a pimp cause he made a Hoar out of her.

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