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I have a 1949 B3 . I got it running this summer and it runs great..... then it quites !!!!!!!! I know it is a fuel problem . It looked as though the needle was sticking replaced that ran good for 3 mi. then quite again. It starts back up but will quite again after about 500 ft.Any suggestions ???????


Pretty hard to answer your question with the limited information you have given.

How would you answer your question? Are you sure it is a fuel problem?

What have you eliminated besides the needle valve and 500 feet?


Welcome dumptruckguy.

Could you have a plugged fuel line? Try hooking up a temporary fuel source and see how long it runs. Could it be an ignition issue? What does it take to get it running again when it quits? That might be a clue as to what's wrong.



what about the fuel pump?

BTW, what happens if it just sits and idles? will it die? if you let it warm up does the problem go away? what is your temp gauge doing at the time, how about battery?

when it does run, does it progressively lose power until it dies? that may indicate a a CLOGGED EXHAUST SYSTEM, normally caused by mice, tennis balls with mysteriously tightened bolts through them, and POTATOES


Check your fuel pump suction flex hose at the frame for pin hole leaks. Make sure the fuel line back to the tank is clear and free of pin holes too. Check out the fuel pump for good suction and pressure. The shop manual shows all of this and is a must for the owner of such vehicle.


This truck used to be a car carrier tractor back in the day and had multiple fuel tanks. and it only has one now. but the valve for the tanks is still there. So today we went to eliminate it thinking that might b part of the problem. It wasnt. What has been comfusing us is the first time we ran it we put on 18 mi and not a skip.Then it has gotten intermitten. Well after it didnt start when we remove the valve we checked and no gas to carb. My buddy thats helping me had to go to work so I was cleaning the shop and I noticed gas leaking under it. I looked and the end we was working on was dry and the end in the front was dry but over the front axel was leaking like a sieve. So I believe the line was rusted thru and with driving it it opened the crack and was sucking air. Tomorrow I want to replace the line and see how it runs. Thanks for all the responses and tips. I will keep you informed.

  • 2 weeks later...

could have a short in your wire going to coil or something and driving it makes it quit. try starting it and wiggling your wires to see if it dies. the one inside the distributor can be ground against the inside making it die too. just a thought.


Well maybe this time it is fixed !!!!!!! I worked on adjusting the float, ran for 45 min on friday without hesitation. Today I drove it 18 mi without hesitation tailgate spread 9 loads of stone . Now Ill try it again tomorrow and see what it does !!!!!!!!!

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