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I was driving the Plumoyh home yesterday when I noticed the temp gauge slowly climb. I thought maybe I am low on water so I pulled into a car wash and put some wate in it. I washed the car to cool it and then tried to start it. It would not start. I called the wife and she bought me a coil and some starter fluid. By this time the car was completely cool. It started however it would nor rev high, I drove the car home. While I was driving I notied that it would not go very fast as it would not rev. Got the car to the house and the temp was almost peged to 212. It cut off and would not start. We pushed it in to the drive way.

What do you all think is wrong? Could my head gasket be blown? I pulled a plug and it looked normal, felt gritty at the tip. It was hot here and I was pushing it. When I first started driving it was fine. What should I check first.


Thanks all, I think you guy's know whats wrong:mad: It's me. Last year I had a conversation with you guy's about that heat riser, One of the screws came aloose. I pushed it back in and drove the car. The heat riser has been dangling ever since, In the closed position. With the heat around here as it is( Joe knows it best) I was running the car with that riser closed and as one of you mentioned the exhaust system is not open the gas is boiling and thing just are not right. I pulled the plugs after clothes hanging the heat riser in the open position. I am going to clean them because they have glased, then reinstall. I hope this does the trick. I checked the oil and antifreeze, the oil is clean and the anti freeze is very green. if after I do all this I still have problems I will post. Is'nt this exciting:p just think I talked the wife into putting a V8 in it last night after she had to comne and get me. If all else fails I will be street rodding this thang:D Or not:(


I would check and probably replace the thermostat. I had one stick shut on my car a few years back and it overheated really quickly.

John R


Everything apart:eek: I just got the cap and rotor from NAPA AL-63 and AL-62. Let's cross our fingers..... after the sun go down:D

It's too dang hot:cool:

Hey, you remember the movie with the guy from bueller's day off. He' says it's so hot if this was GErmany I would give up so I could get some sleep.

They were in the woods and he was complaining about the heat. the drill sergent was right behind him he says "those NY wisecracks are making you mighty popular jerome" I'm sorry the heat makes me like this!

Thanks all, I think you guy's know whats wrong:mad: It's me. Last year I had a conversation with you guy's about that heat riser, One of the screws came aloose. I pushed it back in and drove the car. The heat riser has been dangling ever since, In the closed position. With the heat around here as it is( Joe knows it best) I was running the car with that riser closed and as one of you mentioned the exhaust system is not open the gas is boiling and thing just are not right. I pulled the plugs after clothes hanging the heat riser in the open position. I am going to clean them because they have glased, then reinstall. I hope this does the trick. I checked the oil and antifreeze, the oil is clean and the anti freeze is very green. if after I do all this I still have problems I will post. Is'nt this exciting:p just think I talked the wife into putting a V8 in it last night after she had to comne and get me. If all else fails I will be street rodding this thang:D Or not:(

Rodney, when my heat riser was stuck (saeized in the wrong position, my engine would get real hot fast.

A lot of Guy's do not believe this, and figure the heatriser has no bearing on engine temp, I say it does, at least on my engine.

I rebuilt the heat riser, and things improved immediately.

If your heat riser ois broken, at least secure it in the warmed up position, to allow hot exhaust gas to exit freely.........Fred hope thing work out, keep the flat head, you already have a few V8s, you would miss the old flattie

Everything apart:eek: I just got the cap and rotor from NAPA AL-63 and AL-62. Let's cross our fingers..... after the sun go down:D

It's too dang hot:cool:

Hey, you remember the movie with the guy from bueller's day off. He' says it's so hot if this was GErmany I would give up so I could get some sleep.

They were in the woods and he was complaining about the heat. the drill sergent was right behind him he says "those NY wisecracks are making you mighty popular jerome" I'm sorry the heat makes me like this!

That would be Matthew Broderick and Christopher Walken in "Biloxi Blues" a WWII movie. I just saw it again a couple of months ago.



Right Tom, I look at it everytime it's on:)

OK, Ihave been out side trying to get this thing to start. I changed the cap and rotor, turns over but will not run.

I have one of those inline spark lights. I hooked it up to a spark plug and the thing lights. Thisd means I am getting spark to the plugs. I separated the points with the switch on and I am getting spark there. What could be wrong? I got fuel and I am using starter fluid.

The only thing I see is the spark is dim. the battery just got real slow. so I know it needs charging I have it on charge now. What could I have missed? could it be flooded? I need to kepp it on charge it maybe to low now to start I hope.



I definately had trouble with my engine not starting when hot because my heat riser stayed in the "cold" position. As soon as I addressed that, the problem went away.

If your points have worn, it will change your engine timing. This is something I am new at and there are better guys on the forum to explain this, but if the rubbing block on your points has worn down, your points will be closed longer than they should (more dwell). I THINK this will result in your timing being retarded, but this is where I get confused. But, if your timing is right on, your points are probably not worn.

Timing being off can cause you to run hot as well.


Not yet Don. The compression gage kit I have is out on loan. (never lend your tools) I don't think anything happened catastaphic. After I let the car sit for a couple of hours it started and I drove it home. I think tomorrow I will check the points. You guy's maybe on to something because I have never reajusted points. I have always replaced them. I Know, I know that is rather dumb. It's like when I have grined on my car for a while I will change the plugs thinking that might make it better or they might be washed:confused: I think that's superstition

I really need to start concentrating on this as the motor trans comination I am looking at is getting more and more interesting by the second. You know 360 904 I would keep the white walls.........:cool:

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