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Been getting most of the bugs worked out of her. The fluid drive has been shifting fairly well. It still smokes very badly but have stopped all the oil being spilled out of the oil filler and dipstick hole. I still can't get the brake light to turn off after releasing the pedal. Once it sits for about a hour the brakes lights will go off. I have replaced the pressure senser allready. Do they make a less sensetive brake switch or if I was to raize the senser up about 3 inches or so would it help to drain off the pressure faster? Got the door panels done and now working on the windlace before attacking the headlinner



She's a beaut! Are the pups gonna be allowed in the back seat? They'd love that the windows roll all the way down! =) That's odd about the brake sensor...I don't know much about altering them, but if your replacement is bad there's a flea market coming up where they sell brake switches for 5 bucks if you want me to pick ya' up another one to swap out. Good luck!


Congrats on getting her driving again.

The brake light switch, is either sticking or has guk up inside of it preventing it from shutting off. Go and buy a new switch, carefully remove the old switch, and immediately install the new switch, and you won't even have to re-bleed the brakes.

The brake light switch, is on the front frame rail, left side, down below the battery area..........Good Luck


It could be residual pressure is keeping the brake lights on. The switch may be working just fine. To test it apply the brakes and release them. If the lights stay on, loosen a bleeder screw enough to release any pressure and see if the lights go out. If so you have to research why it is retaining extra pressure. It could be that the relief hole in the bottom of the master cylinder reservoir is plugged.


  Merle Coggins said:
It could be residual pressure is keeping the brake lights on. The switch may be working just fine. To test it apply the brakes and release them. If the lights stay on, loosen a bleeder screw enough to release any pressure and see if the lights go out. If so you have to research why it is retaining extra pressure. It could be that the relief hole in the bottom of the master cylinder reservoir is plugged.


This was exactly my first thought also.

  RobertKB said:
This was exactly my first thought also.

Mine too since he said he had already replaced the switch.


Also check the bottom of the MC reservoir. You should be able to see two holes, one to feed the piston and the other to allowfluid beak in after you release the pedal. I little debris in the return hole will keep the brake light on ( and sometimes keep the brakes from releasing also) Clean out both holes with a bit of mechanics wire so they are clear.

Also make sure you have left some room at the top of the reservoir for air and for fluid expansion.


Make sure that the brake pedal returns fully. I had a DeSoto that did the same thing and it had several of us scratching our heads. The problem was the pedal did not return to the stop and retained a little pressure.

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