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  • Gender
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    New Hope, PA 18938
  • Interests
    classic autos, golf, soccer, bourbon, women (not in that order!)
  • My Project Cars
    1947 Chrysler Windsor Coupe
    1948 Dodge Convertible

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  • Biography
    Eagle Scout, ROTC, US Army Combat Engineer, Architect, Project Manager
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  • Location
    New Hope, PA 18938
  • Interests
    Old stuff

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  1. This seems like a great idea! Are there any downsides? I'm going to order one asap. Assuming I need one that says 6V, 12V, 24V. correct so I can set it back to 6V to run the original motor. Would a variable voltage be able to control the wiper speed? It looks like the original wiper switch is already set up for 2 speeds (mine crumbled when I took it out so I can't tell what it looked like.)
  2. This would be easy to make on a 3D printer, or to create a casting in lucite. I'm surprised no one has tried this yet. Same for the later amber 49-50 DeSoto face hood ornament. I'd like to get a better one for my 50, his nose has a ding in it from a rock or something.
  3. Hey Fellas, My Dodge brake light bezels have so many pitts they look like 40 grit sandpaper! This might be sacrilege to some, but does anyone know if a Plym brake light would fit on a Dodge? I love the Technostalgia brake lights they offer (only Plym style) and I'd like to put them on my Dodge. The question is...would they sit flat and tight to the fender since the profiles are slightly different? Anyone tried this? At least it would be all MOPAR... not like I'm putting Ford? brake lights on my car! Haha
  4. Wow Dodgeb4ya, you have the exact opposite of mine! Your mounting clips are in great shape and no rust, my mounting clips are rotted. Your chrome is peeling and my chrome is in such great shape, even the inside that I thought is must be stainless like the body trim. If we combined the two we could have one great looking mustache! Haha. I'd love to replace my clips with new ones but I'm afraid of ruining the piece trying to get them out. I may just try to lightly blast them to get the rust off and hit them with rust converter and paint to stabilize them. I broke off one of the studs but I'm sure it will stay in place with just 3. Hope so! JT
  5. I'm 99% sure that mustache is stainless steel and not plated steel FYI. Look at the inside photo with the pine needles, you can tell by the inside surface it's just stamped SS. Not sure where Dodgeb4ya is getting his info.
  6. Thank you Norman! Just converted to inches and I get 30" overall and about 9" for the top end. Appreciate your efforts bud! A new tilt column should fit in nicely.
  7. No one's got a tape measure?
  8. Hey Fellas, Would someone please take an accurate measurement for me? I would love to get two measurements of the column. 1. From where the column comes through the floor board up to the split where the wheel attaches to the hub. 2. Just from the dashboard upper mount to the same split at the top of the column where the wheel starts. Why you ask? I am installing an ididit tilt column and mine is currently all apart and I did not get measurements before I disassembled like an idiot! Oh well, hope someone will help me out. I will post photos of the final install. Please don't criticize why I want a tilt column...it's my car and that's what I want! Thanks all!
  9. If you weren't already aware there are at least 2 other FB groups for 40's and 50's Mopars you might want to check into.
  10. I just got done unbolting my body mount bolts from the frame of my 1947. There are probably 20+ heavy bolts of which I had to cut, grind or chisel 50% of them while cursing all the way! It seems to me if you ever get hit hard enough to separate the body from the frame in one of these cars you got much bigger problems! You're not walking away from that wreck...
  11. When I removed my original stainless trim (on my '47) it did not follow the exact shape of the fenders, body, etc. Some were flatter and some were more curved. Clearly the fasteners helped to hold it tight to the sheet metal. From your photo that slight curve does not seem as if it would have any chance of kinking the trim. You may be over-thinking it...but on the other hand I would also have some trepidation about a newly painted car! Good luck. PS - I had to grind off about half my fasteners so I wouldn't be too worried about breaking them! They are plenty strong!
  12. That works! Too dark out to measure my frame now but I'll have a go tomorrow after work. Thanks again sir! JT
  13. First I want to thank Chrysler1941 you are a gentleman and a scholar! But...I WAS WRONG! The Chrysler and Desoto frames are not the same! I printed out your page and the Desoto has a "ladder" frame while my Chrysler has an "A" frame! There are even additional frame mounts too. So I guess I still need a photo of the page from the Chrysler manual if anyone would be so kind. Thanks, JT
  14. Hey Fellas, I only have a Dodge D-19 thru D-24 shop manual and I need a favor from someone who has a Chrysler book. Would you please take a photo of your frame alignment page with all the dimensions like this one from Section IX Frame and Shocks page 150 of my Dodge manual for me? I need to cross reference some dimensions and I know the Chrysler frames were longer than the Dodge and Plymouths. I guess even a DeSoto manual would be the same as the Chrysler I think they were built on the same frames. Want to see if the frame is tweaked or not. It looks pretty straight but now is the time to check it! If anyone needs something from the Dodge shop book just let me know! Thanks. PS - either post the photo to this thread or just PM me directly.
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