I don't know if you did anything wrong, but, here's what I did. After I set the gauge to just barely touch the each show at both ends, I turned the minor adjustment all the way in. The drums slid on without touching the shoes anywhere. Last, I readjusted the minor cams until I could feel them touch the drum. This is because the shoes were not arced to fit the drums, and a little high in the middle, although they were within a few thousandths. The pedal was a little low for comfort, so I adjusted them again to a very slight drag. The pedal height is good, more importantly, the brakes are all even.
Since I did this, the shoes have worn to the size of the drums and do not drag while still having a high pedal.
Your drums seem rather worn at .45 and new shoes will not fit exactly right until they are arced. Either by machine or by good driving down the road with occasional adjustment.