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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. Great shot, Bob. You're one lucky guy.
  2. Wait a minute! Adele is aDoll !! Say it fast three times.
  3. Congratulations, Bob. Good to see your'e out and chasing around. Adele is a beautiful little girl with a very pretty name. Cooper is jealous?
  4. Hobart, Indiana. Lifelong region rat, and proud of it!
  5. I think its a '39 chevy with aftermarket sealed beam headlights. It is a great picture.
  6. Chance, now you know how I felt last year when I found the elusive ammco brake tool for $8 at a steam swap meet!
  7. Andy knows. I even use a 6" piece of 2x6 between my jack and the frame.
  8. You are right, that is probably not the problem.
  9. The white wheel covers I've used on P-15's were actually made of plastic. They yellowed with age and cracked easily.
  10. Now that you are back, can you go to your profile and change your name back? '40Plymouth, or,,,, Cooperdad?
  11. Yay,,, it works! Before all it would do when I clicked on "post" was make the squares in the green blink and then do nothing. But now, I am impressed at what a really nice site this is. I will try not to abuse the forum with sillyness. Thank you for your patience.
  12. This is another test, hope it works.
  13. It seems that I can only reply by first going to "other reply options. I cannot peply simply by using the reply box at the end of the thread. Is this the way its supposed to work?
  14. This is a test
  15. Nuthin worse than a drunken sway bar. Reminds me of a joke, A drunk goes into a sway bar,,,,,,,,,,,,
  16. Don't forget to put a resistor in the wire to the coil if you run it on 12 volts.
  17. You should be able to tell where the static originates by its noise. A popping that changes with engine rpm would likely be ignition related. Loose or leaking plug wires would do that. a steady high-pitched whine would more likely be from an alternator or generator.
  18. I used to have a blue 4 door curiosity. It was pretty worn out too.
  19. No, its not just you. I have a problem with a creeper rolling out fromm under me when I am trying to exert some force on a wrench or a part. Sometimes it just scoots me away from where I want to be. It also means raising the car an extra 6 or 8 inches. So, a large piece of cardboard or an old carpet is simpler and safer. For me, anyway.
  20. I can imagine how you must feel. Somewhere still, I hope there's a 1930 Chrysler 6 four door with a blue body and black fenders that I would give an insane amount to own.
  21. http://www.49erdrivein.com/
  22. I don't know anything about this, but somebody here may want it. http://chicago.craigslist.org/nwi/pts/3524776644.html
  23. I'd take that trade in a heartbeat. Theres a million vettes out there. BTW, thats a 4 speed hydramatic.
  24. Not hard to figure that one out, eh?
  25. That picture in the listing would be good for anyone trying to make a light fixture for their hood ornament. It looks surprisingly like the one I made for my P-15!
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