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Niel Hoback

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Everything posted by Niel Hoback

  1. Indiana is the nations leading chicken foot exporter. Should we be proud?
  2. If you don't take it along, you will spend the whole day wishing you had and saying, "You should see the trailer that goes with it!"
  3. Hawaii is indeed the biggest Spam consuming state, and Alaska is the second. In the lobby of the Venician in Las Vegas, they were selling cans of Spam with a label showing Monty Python and the Holy Grail for "only" $12. A pair of coconut halves was also available for the same price. When I went to the ticket window to pick up our tickets, I to;d the kid in the window that "I Wish to buy a license for my pet fish, Eric". He didn't get it at all, probably didn't even know who or what Monty Python was. P.S. I love spam. Cold, uncooked, with catsup on bread. Sorry, but I'm in a rambling mood.
  4. Backing the small bolt out on the passenber side moves the band closer to the drum. Turn the bolt in to move the band out. This is the first adjustment you make. After you have the side adjustment made, wire the bolt head and make the bottom adjustment by turning the big nut on the bottom. Turn the little round head screw to make the top adjustment last. This is my best reccollection from the shop manual, which is not with me at the moment.
  5. If there is no driveshaft, it doesn't matter if the wheels are on the ground or off. Vrooom, vroom to your hearts content.
  6. Remove the four bolts and just wiggle it around, its rusted on. There is no attachment, it just slides on.
  7. The last ones I got were from Auto-zone. VW's used them forever.
  8. When you put your top man on the job, you can't go wrong. If you want something donr right, do it yourself. I'll post any more that I think of.
  9. Good to see Cooper out again. Sratch him behind the ears for me, will ya?
  10. When I took the hubs off my drums, I used 3/8" roll pins for guide pins and I'm still using bolts instead of changing to pressed in studs.
  11. 58? Imperial.
  12. Original clip from P-15 rocker molding. Not a repro.
  13. and Gyro-matic.
  14. Was the $60 pair made in China?
  15. I don't think I would have believed that if I hadn't seen it. I saw him pick up a 1/2" drive impact wrench with two toes. I cannot imagine doing that. Let alone use it!
  16. Step 1: compression check on all 6. Step 2: pull the head. Step 3: sit down, put head in hands and cry. Step 4: GIT TO WORK!
  17. Good luck tomorrow, Harvey. We're all pulling for you.
  18. John, it was a great story segment! Always listen to your Dad.
  19. They used to be straight, but part of the city moved? There are enough breweries in Milwaukee to explain anything being crooked, including the viewer.
  20. There are 13 clocks in my room alone. Thus, I know less than most others. Your theory works!
  21. That is exactly what I mean when I say, "there's nothing like on the job training". You are forced to learn problem solving and its not just for the moment, its a life long lesson. It's the reason you feel proud when you step back and look at your work.
  22. You are a very lucky guy. Before you use it, though, grind off those burrs so they don't crack off when you use your hammer on it. To quote Miss Shields," You'll shoot your eye out".
  23. We can say for certain then that 39 DeSoto wheels are different than P-15 wheels. You can see the flat spot in the hole on this P-15 wheel. It looks to be missing a groove. there is a corresponding flat on the shaft.
  24. Rich, the column and the wheel have splines that are not even. There is a wide space on both pieces that allows the wheel to fit on in only one position. Kind of like a keyway without the key.
  25. In order, coming off from the rear; nut, washer, drum and flange, oil seal, extension house bearing, long spacer, speedo drive gear, and last, main shaft rear bearing. So, if you are changing the rear seal, you won't take out anything else besides the seal.
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