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Everything posted by casper50

  1. I have 20. I'd like to know if the car came with those holding down the package tray.
  2. Jack I still have to tweak them a bit. It's still too cold to open the garage door to let the fumes out. It will get done in a month or so.
  3. I found the front set on ebay rechromed for $250. I'll never find that again I'm sure. Still looking for a rear bumper that's at least driver quality.
  4. When I removed my "redone by a previous owner" package tray it had 4 or 5 button head spring clips that held the tray down in the middle to conform to the large curve. Is this original or not? Upon looking at the metal under the cover there are about 20 small holes that could be for these springs. I would believe that due to the extreme curvature of the tray that it might need that many. Anyone know?
  5. Front end is finished.
  6. I just bought a bunch on line. Can't remember this sec where from. I'm at work right now, if you need the company let me know and when I get home in 4 hours I'll post it.
  7. Ralph you should have added this to your other post not start a new one.
  8. I believe Ralph is saying that he has the stainless trim not the clips. If so they are hard to get in decent shape. I've never seen any on ebay.
  9. 48 chrysler electric wipers in my 47 dodge
  10. If the tires have cracks in them I wouldn't use them period.
  11. tedrhar how much were they?
  12. The ramshead hood ornament is all that I recognize
  13. It's most likely full of lead deposits and gunk from years of driving. It will take a long time to clean it just by changing oil.
  14. I recognize some 48 dodge on that but not much.
  15. Not sure that's a crack. could be casting. Does it have coolant in it? If so it should be leaking out of there.
  16. there are a lot of different grain patterns for those that do not like burl.
  17. for the film http://www.ebay.com/itm/HYDROGRAPHIC-FILM-HYDRODIPPING-WATER-TRANSFER-HYDRO-DIP-BURL-WOOD-BW-18-10-/112235463504?hash=item1a21c14350:g:CxYAAOSwa~BYT0cm for the activator. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=HYDROGRAPHIC+film+release&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=HYDROGRAPHIC+activator&_sacat=0 Don't buy the film until you are ready to use it. set it out and try and remove the fold wrinkles as they will haunt you later if left. I used regular rustoleum rusty metal primer for the base coat. I tried 5 different base coat colors on a scrap piece before I chose which one I liked best. Different color base coats will change the final color of the part. Use a larger piece than you think you need. Film is much cheaper than having to redo the part because it wasn't large enough. Tape the edges of the film with masking tape. If you don't the film will disapate when sprayed with activator.
  18. clearcoat is on. Still needs sanded and polished.
  19. I bought the film and the release spray online. It's all over. I built a 2x12 frame and stapeled plastic inside to use as a tank. Watch lots of videos on youtube, think about how you are going to dip each piece so that there's no voids and lay your film out flat before hand so that the wrinkles come out. Once in the water the wrinkles make thick lines.
  20. Total cost for all of it was $75.
  21. driver's side dash and glove box lid.
  22. Got to a point yesterday where I said I'm going to do the garish molding. I've never hydrodipped anything before, but, it went way better than I thought it would. I have a couple of pieces that have a light spot or two but it went really well. Just primered.
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