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Everything posted by casper50

  1. Thanks Robert. Some of these videos are 7 to 10 days old. Last one that I've done. I have to do another tonight.
  2. The mounts for my coupe wer $150 and I thought that that was terrible.
  3. part 1 which of course should have been first.
  4. Kind of started on the wife's 55 Pontiac wagon. Slow going with only an arm and a half.
  5. I'd do as knucle says. Just heat it up, hammer it back into shape and weld it up.
  6. https://www.google.com/search?q=plaid+upholstery+fabric&oq=plaid+up&aqs=chrome.0.0j69i57j0l4.4881j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  7. I used it.
  8. I ordered two condensers. Once I get it running I'll order two of everything. I now have two coils and will have two condensers. I'll get points rotor and cap as well.
  9. of course not a single auto parts store has them in stock. Have to order and ship.
  10. tks thats the way that i have it
  11. Thanks to you also KnuckleHarley
  12. thanks Dave I'll have to wait until morning to get a condenser.
  13. Points have 6.22 volts without condenser wire.
  14. switched wires voltage the same at 6.22
  15. Voltage is the same at 6.22 volts
  16. I removed the hot wire to the coil. No voltage between the two terminals of the coil when wire is removed. There is conductivity.
  17. - side or + side? they are both small wires.
  18. wife works nights and I used to until the surgery. I stay on night schedule with her for now. Disconnecting the switch didn't help. So I removed the points and gave them a few strokes with 1000 grit. Replaced and good spark, for about 2 or 3 revolutions then so weak I can't see it in the dark but can hear it snapping when I open the points with a screwdriver. .
  19. k Might be a bit hard to get under the dash. I had shoulder surgery a month ago and laying on that shoulder isn't good. I'll struggle though.
  20. Nothing. Wire from - battery to distributer to coil wire produces no spark either.
  21. tks will do.
  22. put a new today coil on. Nothing. Put a volt meter on the + and - terminals of the coil and turned the key on. Nothing. Shouldn't there be voltage going to the coil when the key is on?
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