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Everything posted by Flatie46

  1. It was relaxing to walk barefoot through the ebbing tide. My wife could easily live beech front, after a few days I've had enough. This week I have been able to catch up on some rest. I'll need it when I get back because I will again be behind on my yard work.
  2. Didn't see no bomb, I'm sure it's out there somewhere tho. Did see this dolphin. I have to admit at first I thought it was a shark. Lol
  3. We were on Tybee and my friend that's feeding our dogs while were gone has a 57 DeSoto, so dropped in and picked him up a shirt. We kinda looked about while in there. I didn't think it looked too bad but didn't see much. Were you not happy, if not ill make a note for the future. You see the ads and often the pic in the ad was taken when new. Lol Yea hate I missed ya. Coulda had a meal or beverage. Did pass what I thought was a 37 Chrysler while ago, not sure, didn't get a pic.
  4. Seems like their is a 52 Plymouth in the Twilite Zone episode Monsters are due on Maple Street.
  5. Sounds like you gave Abby a great life, she was very lucky to have you.
  6. I have never heard of that but an man once told me you could take green tomatoes soak newspapers on water and something ( I forget what else ) and wrap the tomatoes. Put them in the basement or cellar well away from sunlight or heat and they would ripen slowly over the winter.
  7. We went to Hilton Head 2yrs ago and made a trip to Savannah while there. I remember stopping at a road side stand and buying a bag of peaches. I have to say they were the best I've ever tried. They weren't really big or picture perfect, I even thought when I got 'em this is probably a waste. Tried one as we drove off and was really surprised. I meant to go back and get more but we got busy and didn't make it. We in Savannah this week, are they in season yet? Back home the next county over is Grainger Co., suppose to be famous for their tomatoes. Now I usually raise my own because I can grow them better than I can buy them. When I grow them I don't use pesticides, If they do well fine if they don't fine but usually I don't have problems other than wild animals. Neighbors cows got in my garden last year but didn't do much damage. I like them over ripe almost ready to bust lol. Truly homegrown is better than the ones raised in a hot house or the mass growing operations. Also I like the German style plants, they have better flavor in my opinion. I have several apple trees but I had to cut them back this past fall, they were way over due for a trim. So I don't expect any this year. Mine are the cooking apple variety, not sure the exact type.
  8. I don't think anyone can argue this. Saw this today. On vacation in Savannah this week. Kinda cropped the pics a bit much but had to reduce file size to post.
  9. You ought to have it turn a high amp alternator and power inverter. Make it a back up generator just for kicks.
  10. Cool score, looks to be in great shape. I had one several years back, found it in the trunk of a parts car I had bought. Got any plans for it?
  11. I've not tried to cut back myself. I guess I usually drink 6 or so cups a day. The measurement gets me, if I get a cup its 16oz or maybe 20. A man I use to work with drank lots at work, then on the weekend not so much. Was having bad headaches when he was off then realized the reduction in caffeine was the cause. I've quit sodas all together for about 2yrs. I don't know if they are saying coffee is good or bad for you these days. I really don't care, love it will not give it up. Lol
  12. I have a problem saying no to projects. They're easier to buy than fix and if your like me really easy to justify bringing them home. I can't help it, I enjoy the hobby. Their are worse things to indulge in.
  13. I recruited a friend to help me move some heavy parts yesterday. He was showing me the truck he had just inherited from his father that passed away. Thought I would share a pic. He asked if I would help with a floor patch on it. Old truck sounds really good, 318 auto. Has been sitting for some time, needs valve seals. I told him I've got dibs if he ever decides to sell. I don't know why but I'm really drawn to this truck. I doubt I get a shot at it he really likes it too. The only thing I would add other than some TLC would be AC.
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  14. I have a soft spot these my brother had one , may have been his 2nd car. It was pretty rough back in about 1980 , had some fun in that old car. He gave $200 bucks for it, drove it for 2yrs. I bet he didn't spend $20 bucks on it during that time, just drove it. Sold it for what he gave for it.
  15. I don't understand why SAE hardware would be so hard to find in Europe since both it and metric are available here. I know US made auto's, machinery and other things made of metal using SAE hardware have been shipped to Europe since dirt was young. I've never been to Europe, I've heard a junkyard is a rare thing there. If you ever were to visit a junkyard you might be able to rob an old American made auto of much spare hardware if they are any to be had.
  16. Might want to check over on The Forward Look forum for these parts.
  17. Morristown Starter and Generator ( located on HWY 11E ) went through both of mine just as preventive maintenance . I figured since I was putting a new engine in why not prevent other issues. I'm sure you can find one closer than shipping it to TN . Maybe this info will help someone doing a search in the future though.
  18. Saw the Vette camper special on Facebook. Looks like mid 90's Harley big twin mufflers on it.
  19. Been there many times, really awesome if you have any interest in vintage bikes. Personally I really like Hilton Head when it comes to a beech. Charleston is my favorite vacation spot, lots of history, close to the beech, Savannah and Hilton Head are close also.
  20. Yep costs more to make stuff here. We have environmental rules we live by. ( think about the chrome process for an example) We have somewhat realistic wages VS something made offshore or assembled with crap made offshore. Something I've noticed, their are lots of American companies that support other brand vintage or muscle cars. I think some how, some way we need to get some of these companies to get into the Mopar biz of our era and then support them. Be nice to see some performance minded companies offer something for the ole flat 6.
  21. Welcome to the forum, love them '49's.
  22. Austin I and most everyone feels the same way you do and prob most have vented just like you have at some point. I really, really hate to see Made in China or Taiwan on parts that I've bought. I will and do pay more to avoid this because I have never ever seen reasonable quality when this has been on the box. Often even parts made in the US are substandard in some way. These old Mopars were engineered and built with quality parts. It's a darn shame most of the stuff offered for them is half the quality of the original or less. To get good parts you really have to jump through hoops and scrutinize every last detail.
  23. I can't imagine trying to stop a model A that was towing A 41 Plymouth.
  24. Cars in these years aren't worth much in general. Like most old cars, it's cheaper in the long run to just buy one done. If your looking for something fun and reasonably cheap to tinker with and enjoy the hobby they're a fair choice. You can't build one from a mail order book. Parts are out there though , if you look. If you have to have it today, parts have to be NOS and you have a time frame to get this car done it will cost you big bucks. If you take your time, find junkyards off the beaten path, swap meets, parts cars, craigslist, Facebook, etc. You could fix the car reasonably. An NOS windshield would probably be expensive for that car but you never know. That's not a high demand car like Roadrunner or Cuda. Someone that has a windshield for that car might not be asked very often for one and be motivated to move it. I would find a good used one, maybe pick up a rusty parts car. Sell what you don't use. The engines are a great design. Tough, long lasting and well engineered. These cars were a lot of bang for your buck when new. Hope this helps good luck with whatever you choose.
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