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Everything posted by MarcDeSoto

  1. when I buy new bolts for the water pump, should I ask for stainless steel bolts, since they will be in a water environment?
  2. I kind of doubt if Bernbaum's would either. I think all these pumps come from the same supplier in China or India.
  3. Do you know what size bolts. I just bought an M8 with 1.0 thread because that's all that HD had. But 1.0 thread is fine, so it didn't fit. I'm assuming I need four M8 with 1.25 thread. Does anyone sell new water pumps with 18 tpi?
  4. I started to put my fan and pulley on my new water pump from Mopar Pro, but my bolts, which are 5/16 X 18 tpi, would not go in. So I got my old water pump and tried to screw the bolts in and they went right in! Could these new water pumps be in metric thread? And is there such a thing as metric thread? Seems like Mopar Pro should at least mention that your old bolts won't fit in these new water pumps.
  5. But heater cores for old MoPars are not easily available, right?
  6. The dashboard and window moldings are a dark brown woodgrain, except on convertibles which are body color. The color of the floor doesn't matter, since it will be covered with carpet or rubber mats. The upsholstery is a beige striped wool broadcloth.
  7. My car is a 48 DeSoto with M-5 trans, so it's not on your list, but I know what carb is has, an EV2 Carter B&B. I just rebuilt it and getting the car ready for first start up in 42 years!
  8. Even the carburetor is a work of art on this car!!! On the pic of the straight eight engine, why is there only 6 spark plugs? I thought of buying a T&C, but I didn't because it seems like a car for a millionaire with a big mansion.
  9. The Dodge Wayfarer has a wheelbase of 115", while the smaller Plymouth p-17, P-19, Concord, have a wheelbase of 111". So Wayfarers are 4 inches longer than than P-17s, Concords. I would doubt that the Wayfarer and Concord share body parts as a Dodge is not just a rebadged Plymouth. I do have a D-29, D-30 1949 Dodge Parts List. If someone has a 1949 Plymouth Parts List they could chime in. 1949 Dodge front right fender 1240388. Front left fender 1240389. Right rear fender for coupe or roadster 1252777. Left rear fender except 2d sedan 1252778. Hood 1239974.
  10. That's why I love this site. Who else could tell me I have the Sisson choke on backwards! Thanks!
  11. I saw that the Sissonn choke gasket is available on Ebay! But it's not a quarter inch thick?
  12. I think I found my problem. I read that there is supposed to be a gasket under the Sisson choke device. Asbestos yet and about a quarter inch thick! Do they still sell those as I don't know if I still have mine? If I had the gasket, my choke rod would reach the carburetor.
  13. I knew I'd confuse people by showing that pic of a Plymouth carburetor. I'm talking about the Sisson choke rod, not the choker rod. Thanks a lot Rich for the detailed info on Sisson chokes. I know you are the expert on them. I'll adjust the rod as you say and I guess I have to look for the rod connector piece that fastens the rod to the carburetor.
  14. I put my rebuilt carburetor on my 48 DeSoto today, and I noticed that the auto choke rod would not reach the hole in the choke lever on the carburetor. And ideas?
  15. I'm thinking now that maybe D=24 Dodge cars did have a dashpot in the carburetor. I'm not sure though. Does anyone know? I looked at my carburetor shelf and found another Carter B&B D6H2 carb. I tried to think where did I get that? Then I remembered that I once had a 1951 Plymouth Suburban parts car. And that's the right carb for that. So I changed the wording of my ad on Ebay.
  16. I found out that jet that was in my dashpot hole did not belong there! It was loose and it belonged right next to the dashpot. Problem solved. What carburetors did the D-24 come with? So you think I have 53 Dodge carb? It could be true. I'll look into it. My Motor Manual only goes up to 1942 because it is a 1946 Motor Manual, but I have a Chilton somewhere around here, a 1958. I looked in my Chilton manual and you are right. The Carter B&B carb D6H2 is for a 53 Dodge with standard transmission without fluid drive. Does that type of Dodge even exist? I assumed because I took it off of a 48 Dodge it was original. Chilton says the 1944 to 1953 Dodge with standard transmission and fluid drive used a Carter Ball and Ball carburetor D6P1 and D6P2. I think they also used a Stromberg, but the Stromberg section only goes back to 1950.
  17. I need to correct some very INCORRECT information I spewed out the other day. I got my new dashpot plunger and tried to put it in my DeSoto carburetor but it wouldn't fit because there is a jet at the bottom of the dashpot hole. Maybe I didn't install it correctly. So I opened up my Dodge Carter B&B D-24 carburetor, and was very surprised to find that it didn't have a dashpot. So I read up on the subject in my Motor Manual and found out that dashpots are only in carburetors with Semi-Automatic transmissions. It doesn't matter if it has a fluid drive. It matters if it has a semi-auto transmission.
  18. What I've always known is the Swedes had an interest in old American cars because I met them when they came to San Diego looking for cars in the 1980s. Norway to a lesser extent and then I saw there was interest in Germany. I don't think France has much interest and until this year, I didn't know about England since they have so many of their own collectible cars.
  19. I would assume that D-24 Dodges could use the STromberg or the Carter B&B interchangeably, but I'm not positive. Pre-war Dodges up to 1942 just used Strombergs. Does a D-24 Dodge use a manual choke?
  20. I'll be honest, I never thought there was this kind of interest in pre-1950 American cars in England. Are these right hand drive cars made for export to England?
  21. Looks like a great meet! Can you possibly move the location to San Diego, California? Thanks in advance!
  22. The information below is very wrong! See my correction below! D-24 Dodges used both Strombergs and Carter Ball and Ball carburetors. Dodge used the D6H2 model Carter and, yes, they do have dashpots. The dashpot is for cars with Fluid Drive and it doesn't matter if they had 3 speeds or semi automatics. But if a car had the semi automatic transmission, like my DeSoto, then it had in addition to the dashpot, a kickdown switch on the carburetor. My DeSoto has a Carter Ball & Ball model EV2.
  23. Here's my 48 Dodge Carter Ball & Ball D6H2 carburetor for cars with fluid drive. It's a left over part from when I parted out a 1948 Dodge 4 door sedan back in the 80s.
  24. That's what I would call it. I think it was an accessory. Might be hard to find.
  25. I think I bought it on Ebay, but the cheapest kit there is $39.94, so I think i was wrong when I said I paid only $20!
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