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Everything posted by DCurrent

  1. From the album: DCurrent

    2013 Mt Victory Show
  2. From the album: DCurrent

    2013 Mt Victory Show
  3. From the album: DCurrent

    2013 Mt Victory Show
  4. From the album: DCurrent

    2013 Mt Victory Show
  5. From the album: DCurrent

    A couple of Salsburys.
  6. From the album: DCurrent

    Joe and Doug with their Desoto
  7. From the album: DCurrent

    Mt. Victory car show 2013, forum members left to right, Darren (me), Mike, Doug, Joe, Don
  8. from left to right, Darren (me), Mike, Joe, Doug, Don Joe and his dad with their Desoto Just got back from the show. I thought several times about backing out and just figured it's only water. The wife and I went anyway with the convertible. Even though it rained, I believe we all had a great time. It cleared up around 11ish and several cars showed up including a few that are from this forum. Several Plymouths and three Desotos were in attendance. Several other cars were there with a few trickling in here and there. I was surprised to see that so many folks didn't let the rain keep them away from a good time. It was nice to put some faces with the forum names. I took some pictures and I'll see if I can post them. Don took some pictures also. Not sure when he will find the time to post them. Darren
  9. I like those old cars. I think a bit of a fantasy sparked up when the movie "Christine" was out. Since then those cars have been very desirable. I know I wouldn't mind having one like in the movie. I'm not much in favor of the spare tire on the deck lid. I don't get it. There must be a model difference between the one in "Christine" and the one mentioned above. Darren
  10. Going on this weekend! Weather is looking good for Monday!
  11. According to the position of the steering wheel, does the resistance happen just the once when turning to the left or several times? Does it happen at the same position when turning the wheel? Darren
  12. A six volt coil will work fine. How do you know it has a internal resistor in it? If I understand the job of a coil correctly a six volt coil doesn't have a resistor in it because it only puts out 6 volts which is the correct voltage to go to the points. a 12v coil needs a resistor or a special wire to limit the output to 6v or the points will fry. That's in layman's terms anyway. I'm sure someone else may have a more electrical background and can explain the specifics. Darren
  13. If anyone is interested in meeting other forum members, don't forget to check out the "Announcements" forum. Check it out for more info.
  14. Most likely your going to end up titling it as an older 53 Chrysler. The problem isn't getting it insured, but insuring it for the value of the vehicle and being able to pull a trailer. If you title it as a newer vehicle, insurance companies that see it titled as a 2005 durango won't consider it worth much and during an accident it will total out. A collector car insurance company still won't recognize it as a vehicle to pull a trailer, according to some companies. But some do support a car to be able to pull a trailer. I'm betting though that your state has already got regulations for this very scenario with an older body with a newer drivetrain. Thus you will have no choice but to title it as they see fit.
  15. looks like a 40 Plymouth to me.
  16. Don, you must have a huge library of pictures. Every time some one asks a question, your jonny on the spot with a picture. it's great that you have taken the time to upload them all.
  17. What psi are you inflating your tires too or anyone with radials for that matter?
  18. This puts thing into perspective for me. I didn't know that JC Taylor wouldn't cover a car pulling a trailer. I was hoping to build a small trailer so that my 48 could pull my Cushman behind it. I'll have to do some checking.
  19. Go Diamondback!!! Cokers will bring you grief and a bad ride for the money. Out of 100 guys I'd say 90% of them are unsatisfied with Coker.
  20. I don't think exhausts rust out so much from salt or rain. I think the short trips kill them quicker than anything. The exhaust doesn't get hot enough to evaporate the condensation out from the inside. Thus the collection of condensation keeps collecting and eats the pipe from the inside out. Just my opinion. Darren
  21. This is true! The tank is probably fairly stationary. That said, the rubber that surrounds the filler neck probably needs to be installed first before the neck is brought up through the fender. The neck will find home then and a little vasoline will help it through the neck rubber. Darren
  22. I'm not sure if this is the way they wired it from the factory, but don't forget about the light in the "ON" position or the Battery will be dead.
  23. I am interested in knowing if the shoes center automatically when they are first activated within the drum. I would think so. Darren
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