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Everything posted by busycoupe

  1. I have a Yamaha Vstar, a Victory, and a Triumph. I got the 71 Triumph Tiger in 2005 and refurbished it. Back in the day, I had a Honda CB77 and an SL125. Of all my bikes the Triumph is the most fun to take out for short blast through the countryside. The pictures are from the Larz Anderson Museum of Transportation European Motorcycle Day last fall in Brookline Mass. It is a good sized gathering of vintage and newer bikes, several hundred. If they have a Mopar Day I will have to bring the Dodge.,
  2. Looks like long ago, and far away.
  3. What is the hole in the bumper just above the license plate for? It looks like the hole in the bumper of a 1960 Hillman I once had. On that car the hole with a slot was so that you could insert a crank to start the car. Did the Plymouth come equipped with a crank?
  4. I'm in my 33rd year of teaching High School science. Looking forward to retirement in a year and a half.
  5. My car has a visor (not a Fulton) with the 2 part brackets that hook under the center bar, on top of the rubber. When I bought my car 2 years ago, both pieces of glass in the windshield were cracked right where the brackets were.. I hadn't thought of wind lifting it up, I thought that the cracks were from the weight of snow on the parked car pushing the brackets down against the glass. If you are thinking of making brackets, how about drilling and tapping a couple of holes into the center bar and making a one piece bracket to bolt onto that? That way, any load from lifting or pushing would be distributed by the center bar.
  6. If you are thinking of replacing the mc for about $180, then perhaps it is a good time to consider upgrading to a dual mc. They do cost more($250) but are much safer. This link was posted on the forum a couple of weeks ago. I have not used their product, but it looks interesting. Years ago I had a brake hose let go on a '66 Plymouth Valiant with a single pot mc. ... Not a fun experience! I did get home OK, but I was young, stupid, and lucky! http://ecihotrodbrakes.com/chrysler_master_assemblies.html
  7. It looks great! I love the way you used the music background, it makes your video more professional. Can't wait for the Wanderlodge. Dave B:)
  8. If the rubber in the center of your windshield is hard and brittle, then the rubber around the outside is likely the same age, and in the same condition. If you take out the windshield to replace the center rubber, you should probably replace all of the rubber. I replaced the windshield glass, and rubber in mine when I bought the car. I got the rubber from Andy B. It fit, and worked well. I recommend finding someone to help you hold it in from the inside, while you work the rubber over the metal edge of the body from the outside.
  9. I think that would fit nicely into the trunk of my business coupe!
  10. I would be cautious about using a cigar or anything burning near a gas tank. Just how well was it flushed out when stripped? Even faint fumes of old gas may be enough to make a sealed tank into a bomb. The shopvac or radiator test pump would be my choice.
  11. I just bought key blanks from an ebay site in Nov. Two blanks, one for the ignition and doors, the other for the trunk. I had only one set of keys for my car, and wanted a second set. I have a 48 D24, but the keys are supposed to fit 43-48 Chrysler, Dodge, Desoto and Plymouth. The blanks cost $12.95 for the pair plus $2.00 shipping. I know that is kind of steep for 2 blanks, but it is cheaper than replacing the locks. My local hardware store was able to cut the keys for me. I don't know if this fellow has more blanks, but it may be worth a try. The sellers name is Robert Furtado. His email is rara2u2@msn.com.
  12. I think that it looks good. The red lines really set off the light gray dash. It reminds me of the stripes they used to put around the tops of the Texaco stations designed by Teague. The dash of the D24 has red letters on the chrome of the glove box that says "fluid drive." The red and chrome really makes it interesting.
  13. Happy New Year from Massachusetts! My coupe is safely put away in the garage, we had 6+ inches of snow today. Jane & I finished clearing the driveway then had a wonderful new years dinner. Happy New Year to everyone on the forum! I can't wait until the weather warms up in '09. Dave B.
  14. I enjoy cruising the older roads here in Massachusetts. In the summer my wife and I like to set out to find an old diner to go to for lunch. Still, I find it especially encouraging that in the "today" view of the location of the Whitewater Texaco station you can see not only your beautifully restored Plymouth, but also the wind farm in the background. A true 'past meets the future' view.
  15. A couple of years ago I restored a 1971 Triumph motorcycle. I had the tank alkyli dipped to clean it inside and out. I asked several motorcycle restorers about coating the inside. They all had different opinions about epoxy, red latex, eastwood products, etc. Finally, one guy says "How old is the bike? Was the tank coated originally? How long do you want it to last?" I left the inside just the way it was. Now it has a small amount of fine rust, but not alot. I do drain the gas when I put the bike up for the winter. .. I figure it will last longer than I will!
  16. Thanks for the link! I was looking for something like this last year when I replaced the master cyl on my D24, but I couldn't find anything that would work with the clutch pedal. Has anyone tried this set-up? Does it fit as well as claimed?
  17. I put the pics on photobucket. Hope it works! My coupe:
  18. I posted the pics on Kodak picture gallery. I could see them in my preview post, but perhaps they did not come through. I just set the gallery to "share" see if it works now. Dave B
  19. I checked my photos and found Howard's car at the Cliquot Cruise in Millis, MA last Aug. It seemed to be running fine then. Here is a picture of my coupe at the same cruise:
  20. Is Howard in New England? I think that I have seen his car at a show in Medway, Mass.
  21. My D-24 speedo was doing the same thing when I bought the car. Before I bought it, the car had sat for 10-15 years. I found out about the oiling cup on the back of the speedometer from a helpful forum member. I used a flexible Zoom spout oiler to put a couple of drops in it, after a day or 2 of soaking in my speedometer was cured. Good Luck & Happy Holidays!
  22. This is kind of a long shot, but I remember when I was working in a service station back in the early 70's we had GM wagon come in with a problem just like this. It turned out that the exhaust pipe was double walled and the inner wall had collapsed. The car would start and run great, but at speed it just ran out of power, as if it were starved for gas. You might check for obstructions in the exhaust system.
  23. Just saw a 1950 Plymouth Special Deluxe on the Boston Craigslist. Hard to tell from the pictures, but from what I can see, it looks OK. http://boston.craigslist.org/sob/cto/944291258.html
  24. Sorry, See if this works.
  25. It was a nice afternoon and Jane & I took a ride. The Xmas music on the oldies station got us in the mood to go wreath shopping. I hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving! http://images.kodakgallery.com/photos5158/4/51/48/49/18/2/218494851406_0_ALB.jpg
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