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scotty t

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scotty t last won the day on October 31 2015

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About scotty t

  • Birthday 02/19/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    valparaiso indiana
  • My Project Cars
    48 p15

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  • Biography
    car junky
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  • Location
    south of the big lake
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  1. 1985 from Portage for me. I used to hang out in Chesterton quite a bit in the late 80's
  2. When did you graduate?
  3. Yessir I am a mostly inactive member?. The pics shown earlier are indeed my 48 p15. Here’s what i remember about my set up: early cav rack and inner tie rod ends (94 and older),later cav (95 and up) outer with custom adapter sleeves, the steering arms were shortened, redrilled and tapered to 7*, actually the rack is listed as pontiac sunfire because manual steering wasn’t available on the cavalier. The manual rack is shorter than the power version so the mounting brackets are unique to that application. My buddy and I did quite a bit of research regarding bumpsteer and we are confident that it will have a very minimal amount. When the car was mocked with most everything installed it steered nicely with the stock large diameter wheel. I believe I found a coupler for the rack to column joint through borgeson.
  4. I found these little LED lights. I haven't used on a car yet but I'm going to wire them as back up lights. even if they're not bright enough to see where I'm going, they can serve as a warning to others HERE I COME!!!!
  5. Hey Ulu! I've been wondering where you got off too. Life got in the way of my Plymouth too.
  6. I used " Posies" leaf springs to lower mine. http://www.posiesrodsandcustoms.com/super_slide_springs/
  7. It came from a late 90's Jeep Grand Cherokee
  8. Not sure if this shows enough, basically the spring pocket sits on top of the control arm, just move it to the bottom.
  9. Today while joy riding in southern Michigan i spotted an immaculate black p15 club coupe. It appeared to be all stock it looked and sounded great! I can't remember ever seeing one out side of a car show (except Niel Hoback's). I wish i could say this got me to work on mine.
  10. Sometimes what is truly important gets in the way of what we think is important.
  11. I'm disappointed that I have nothing to report about the P15. My parents moved then my Father passed so i was real busy with helping Mom and settling their property and all the stuff that couldn't go to the condo. It was a lot of stuff! somewhere in there i switched jobs at the mill and had to put in more hours, then i switched again and now i'm working shift work and still working more than i want to. I have been buying little parts and pieces for the Plym when i find them. i'm still not done doing the "chevy shuffle" i still need to sell one of mine and one of Dads for Mom. I didn't mean for this to get all "facebook" but i did want to report in.
  12. Dropped uprights relocated spring pocket on lower a arm, posies drop springs and blocks, oh and about a million pounds of Chrysler hemi
  13. looks like a good start, good luck!
  14. Is that a " pearl craft" wheel?
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