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Desotodav last won the day on December 23 2017

Desotodav had the most liked content!


659 Excellent


About Desotodav

  • Birthday 05/01/1967

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Brisbane, Australia
  • My Project Cars
    Dodge 108 coupe truck


  • Location
    Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  • Interests
    Desoto, Dodge and Fargo 108(b-e) model trucks

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  1. You got a good memory John T… that was 2018 ?
  2. I swapped the factory 4.1 diff centre in my 52 truck out with a 3.54 diff centre from a 54 Dodge car. I had a few diffs to choose from, but the one with the correct spline count was easiest. i also did the same with my 53 truck, but ended up using the car diff centre with different spline count and changing out the side gears to suit. I did find that the car diffs (here in Oz) were about 3 inches narrower than the truck diffs, and I suspect this to be the same in your part of the world… just in case you had thoughts of changing the whole assembly ?
  3. Any chance you can post up a photo of the VIN tag showing the serial number?… that will help with identifying the build date. Our trucks here in Oz were ‘flatpacked’ (mostly from Canada) and assembled in Keswick SA.
  4. It may be possible for you to slightly bend or twist the metal rod so that it better aligns with the catch? Seemed to work with mine.
  5. A huge thank you to our host’s Tim And Steph. It is unfortunate that we live so far away and only seem to get over the pond every few years. This year was my third visit since 2014. What a great event, and how fortunate that I am to have such great friends as my forum brothers. Roz and I had a great time, and will be sure to return as soon as time and funds permit. We are presently in Vancouver and set to catch our 11:50pm (15 hour) flight home. I will attempt to upload a few photos when I get a chance. Thanks again Tim and Steph
  6. Keep ironing out all the bugs Brad…. that never ends ? The book of Bunn suggested that the single spoke of the steering wheel went straight up to enable better sight of the gauges…. so yours is spot on ?
  7. It will be sad to miss you (and Darlene) Paul. I understand though, with the health issues you have had of late. We plan to travel more often, so we may see you at another Q down the track. ??‍♂️
  8. We are on our way to the Q. Seems we overshot the runway though… greetings from Vancouver Island Canada ??‍♂️ it has been 6 long years since I’ve made it across the pond from ‘The Land Down Under’. Very much looking forward to catching up with my forum brother’s. Davin (aka Desotodav)
  9. It’s only 7140 miles from my place to yours Tim… just a quick trip across the pond ? Very much looking forward to catching up with my forum brother’s. Dav and Roz in Oz.
  10. Welcome to the forum. Best to post up serial number and engine number to better establish build date.
  11. Well, it finally happened… my 11 year old 6v red-top Optima battery is dead. Trying to find one here in Oz is a challenge at present. Hopefully I will have one within the next week. Cost is about $380. The fella reckons I did well to get 11 years out of it.
  12. It is inside the black canister (with the T-piece on top) towards the rear of the engine on your driver’s side.
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