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Roofus last won the day on December 16 2023

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22 Excellent

About Roofus

  • Birthday 10/04/1957

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  • My Project Cars
    chrysler 1949

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    Véhicule vintage

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  1. No it's the steering box that begins to loosen
  2. The Prestomatic transmission requires exclusively the SAE 10, the same as in the engine in cold weather, it is so important that it is written on the housing, if you have put oil intended for couples, I think you expose yourself to a few inconvenience.
  3. What oil is in the transmission?
  4. This is the normal functioning of kickdown if you drive at under 35 mph I think it's your perception that is distorted, in fact your transmission works rather normally, variations may come from an inappropriate oil sensitive to heat ...
  5. What I would do, connect a bulb to the solenoide with threads long enough to enter the cabin by the passenger side hatch and see if there is a concordance between the lighting of the bulb and the gear passage 3/4 4/3, you will thus know if the problem is electric or hydraulic
  6. Do you know this?
  7. I dismantled my MC for exchange with a new one, I was able to easily shift the axis of the pedal and take the MC out from below without dismantling the floor, but I may have been lucky. On this occasion, I noticed that the valve system at the end of the spring which is mentioned in the manual is no longer installed ...
  8. If the small hole is blocked, there will remain a residual pressure in the brake cylinders, the toppings will stay in contact with the drums and they will overheat. It is therefore vital that it is open, it is quite easy to check, when you press the brake pedal, a small geyser must spring into the reservoir at the start of the race.
  9. A tightly waterproof carburetor helps ... an anti-return valve at the reservoir too ...
  10. Sorry,i mentioned this
  11. It's interesting, but or do you connect the depression pipe?
  12. Oui, j'avais un joint de culasse qui fuyait entre 1 et 2, la compression était à 0 sur les 2 cylindres
  13. I am looking for a plug of this kind but who locked, would someone have a research track?
  14. If you accelerate hard in 3 by preventing the car from advancing by the brake on the foot, vibrations also decrease ?
  15. Could a lack of oil in the coupler cause an imbalance?
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