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Everything posted by oldodge41

  1. Thanks Shel, no hurry at all, too darn cold for me too. 19 degrees with a couple inches of snow here today...........Tim
  2. I need some info on 46 - 48 Dodge car rear wheel cylinders. If anyone has one laying around I would appreciate it if you could get a couple measurements for me. I would like to know the center to center measurement of the mounting bolt holes and the diameter of the raised portion that protrudes through the backing plate. Thanks...........Tim
  3. Thanks for posting that. God bless America!
  4. Happy Birthday! good story too.
  5. That looks great!
  6. shel_bizzy_48: Thanks for sharing your cross reference info. Folks like you who share this info freely are what makes this board great........Tim
  7. Nice job. Well worth the effort.
  8. They make a nice pair!
  9. Looks good. I like it.
  10. Happy New Year!
  11. I am running an eight volt battery with the six volt regulator tweaked to charge the 8 volt system.
  12. There are lots of master cylinder posts here. I have read a lot but probably not all of them as I too want to upgrade to a dual reservoir at some point. Do a search for the word "Krap" and open the thread by the same name. A lot of good info there with links to even more info. Fasten your seat belt this is a long ride with many twists, turns, ups and downs.
  13. I agree with Jim. Probably either the port is plugged or being blocked by the internals of the MC at the wrong time. That port is pretty tiny but you should be able to see it through the round cap on the MC. As for building pressure at idle, a long shot but maybe a brake line is too close to a heat source such as the exhaust and with the port blocked the pressure builds.
  14. Welcome!
  15. From a post on www.slantsix.org where I also frequent and posted the same question. I will order the nitrile seal since it will be riding on the speedi-sleeve which is: "SKF SPEEDI-SLEEVE is thin-walled, 0,28 mm (0,011 in), and made of high quality stainless steel. The contact surface is wear-resistant and machined to minimize directionality (0° ±0,05) with a finish of Ra 0,25 to 0,5 μm (10 to 20 μin), depending on size." "If your crank has the tiny, microscopic angled serrations on it at the seal surface, these will wear out a nitrile seal faster than a leather one. When I had my crank polished, I had them polish out these groves, and then used the nitrile seal. These tiny groves are angled in a way to push the oil back into the engine. But they function as a file against the plastic. Once good plastic seals were developed, they stopped applying this technology. If yours does not have the groves, then the plastic is good. Check it out and see if they are there. If so, stick with the leather. It will work fine. Sam"
  16. Thanks for the info Robert. Both seals above are available from Rockauto. I'm just not sure about whether to go with leather or nitrile
  17. Which of these would you use for a timing cover seal? One is leather and one is nitrile. The leather is listed for a '48 Dodge 230 and the nitrile is listed for a '54 Dodge230. Apparently Chrysler switched from leather to rubber, but was it a cost cutting measure or a sealing improvement? I'm curious what you guys think. #1 is NATIONAL Part # 6186 Leather Seal, Shaft Size=2.187", Housing Bore=3.189, Outer Diameter=3.194, Width=0.718in Oil Seal about $20 #2 is NATIONAL Part # 6636S Nitrile Seal, Shaft Size=2.187", Housing Bore=3.187, Outer Diameter=3.194, Width=0.687in Oil Seal about $10
  18. I have been told it is still there to see. I have never been there but it is on my short list of places to visit with the old cars. Here is info from a website on the bridge: More info on the Kinzua bridge. The Kinzua Bridge, near Kane, Pennsylvania, was the highest bridge in the world when it was first built in 1882. Its remnants today serve as a memorial of a time when the U.S. was going through the Industrial Revolution. Rust and a tornado on July 21, 2003 destroyed most of it and bridge debris litters the forest floor. The bridge was 301 feet (92 m) tall and 2,052 feet (625 m) long prior to its collapse in 2003. The bridge was originally built from iron in 1882 and was billed as the "Eighth Wonder of the World", holding the record as the tallest railroad bridge in the world for two years. In 1900 the bridge was dismantled and simultaneously rebuilt out of steel to allow it to accommodate heavier trains. It stayed in commercial service until 1959 and was sold to the Government of Pennsylvania in 1963, becoming the centerpiece of a state park. Restoration of the bridge began in 2002, but before it was finished, a tornado struck the bridge in 2003 causing a large portion of the bridge to collapse. Corroded anchor bolts holding the bridge to its foundations failed, contributing to the collapse.
  19. Beautiful pictures Robert. Here is a photo of the Kinzua Bridge here in Pennsylvania after a tornado took part of it down. It is now a state park. I hope to visit there this summer.
  20. That radiator is a thing of beauty!
  21. Merry Christmas to you! Coco wishes Cooper and all forum member pets Merry Christmas as well.
  22. "When using the puller, make sure you keep the castle nut on the end of the axle because when these drums come off it sounds like a shot gun and the drum will damage anything in its way, including you, unless the castle nut is on." Very sound advice from RobertKB. They always startle me even though I know what is coming.
  23. Plywood is a beautiful machine for sure. I agree with with Young Ed on the color combo of the other one. How cool is that air cleaner?
  24. I was looking at Rock Auto too. Thanks for the part # for the sleeve.
  25. I'll check them out. Thanks.
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