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Reg Evans

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Everything posted by Reg Evans

  1. An outdoor installation is ideal for steam cleaning or sand blasting the undercarriage. I wish I had sloped my garage floor to a floor drain.
  2. OK......OK......OK.....Geez Don. Check your PayPal account. Spend it wisely.
  3. Here's what would have been original to your truck only in the Modal 602 version. There are lots of them on eBay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1946-1948-PLYMOUTH-DODGE-CHRYSLER-802-RADIO-RESTORED-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem1c144c372bQQitemZ120599623467QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  4. Just a warning. Don't wear a ball cap while you're walking around under the car. Seems like I'm always banging my head on something the brim has hidden from view. OUCH !!!
  5. Wow Tim ! A double rainbow. Did you start laughing hysterically too ?
  6. I've added on to my original 3 car garage built in 1998 3 more times. The last addition included a 20 x 24 bay with a car lift. It sure makes things easier !
  7. I installed a 3.54 ring and pinion in my 49 Dodge Coronet that had a 4.11 in it from the factory. Before the change the car sounded like a truck on the freeway at 55 mph and after it was comfortable at 60. The car did have a well worn 230 under the hood but I never noticed any lack of power so a strong 218 should do just fine. Just my experience and last ditch effort to get you to buy my other set of NOS 3.54's.
  8. I second that emotion Don. I have no problem adding spacers to get a little better center of gravity and stance but bottoming out on a gentle speed bump or driveway encroachment just doesn't make any sense to me. To each their own. I just hate making sparks on the pavement with my gas tank.
  9. I use to bring my speedos into a shop here in town called Arches Automotive. Old Arch would hook the speedo up to a machine and zap it to get the magnetism just right. A few years after his passing I stopped in to have this done again but his son,about my age and not interested in old iron, got rid of that machine. That's progress I guess.
  10. Here's a source for a 6 volt modern looking alternator. http://www.fifthaveinternetgarage.com/parts/index.html
  11. The leather bearing reminds me of the Jode family in the Grapes of Wrath only I think it was a Ford.
  12. It sure was easy Hank. Now the harder part begins. I have to drill 17 holes in the replacement gate to accept the latching mechanisms. Once I get that done I'll take it back off and all apart so Lisa can sandblast it for me while I'm inside wearing her apron doing women's work.
  13. Right click on Tim,s image and when it comes up right click on it again. Right click on it again and it blows it up to a readable size.
  14. Thanks for the great ideas Boyz ! I found one that'll work on eBay for cheap. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180475794829&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT
  15. Thanks guys for the ideas. I found one on eBay for cheap. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180475794829&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT
  16. Ecstasy perhaps ? Man...it's a good thing a bald eagle didn't fly through it. I think he would have died.
  17. M23 is a 1959 Dodge truck 230. I have one in my 49 Suburban.
  18. Great. That looks like it might be workable Jerry. Lets see if anything else comes up first though.
  19. Wow ! Thanks Don......Hows about .....a penny for your thoughts?
  20. Hey......darn good idea boys. I will go check it out tomorrow.
  21. This handle actually came off of my Sweptside tailgate but it looks like a trunk handle to me. Any similar handle would work as long as the square shank is at least 2" long and 5/16" square.
  22. This handle actually came off of my 58 Sweptside tailgate but it looks like a trunk handle to me. Any similar handle would work as long as the square shank is at least 2" long and 5/16" square.
  23. Nice photo. Here's one I spotted touching down on my property. I tried running down there to load up the gold but the darned thing moved.
  24. Tim, Could these be made to fit your 38 ? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1938-Dodge-Truck-1-Ton-Headlights-37-39-Rat-Rod-/400137528572?cmd=ViewItem&pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5d2a0e24fc
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