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Everything posted by Uncle-Pekka

  1. Here is one I found.... http://www.car-nection.com/yann/Dbas_txt/indx2001.htm There is a discussion forum inside these web pages as well: http://www.cadillaclasalleclub.org/forum/index.php Have not really studied these pages myself, hope it helps!
  2. Captain, Mineral oil is "the real thing", refined from the fossil oil pumped from the earth. Synthetic is "man made" - the carbon molecules processed to perfection in laboratory process. Most regular motor oils are (or ar least they were in the 90's when I last read the can prints..) mineral based oils. Nowadays you also find "semi-synthetic" oils, sort of "blended", or mineral oils "improved" by adding the molecule strings synthetic way. This trivia does not matter much in practise... Still it is kind of funny to think that our flatheads run better by the old time less perfect oils. Fits to the picture of old time simple life...? /Unkka-Pekka
  3. Hi Lanny, An old timer once told me that mineral oil is much better for the flatheads, because the lubrication valve guides and seats rely on oil vapour. Synthetic does not vaporizate, thus it may actually be worse for the valve mechanism lubrication. I use SAE40 single grade mineral oil and my engine is happy. Also it leaks less than it used when I ran 10W50 multigrade. Br., Pekka
  4. Just another idea: Would the webmaster be interested to print a batch of T-shirts and sell them here to raise funds for the forum, I will be glad to give the graphic in any required format (and also gladly will purchase another shirt!) I suppose there are bunch of services, who will print such simple one-color graphic at economic rate... Providing the amount would be big enough (20...30pcs would sell in no time?) http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/5180/dia1p.jpg' alt='dia1p.jpg'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img]
  5. I'll change it to P10-D24-- right?
  6. Mark, Just let me know your siz and choice of the colour. /Pekka
  7. I'm not planning to sell the shirts... God forbid if I will ever have patience to paint more than half a dozen for my own use... However, please let me know if P12 or D24 is owned by someone else other but the Chrysler Corp,. Long live the Great Chrysler Flatheads Engines and memory of Walter Percy C.!
  8. Cheers everyone, We already live the 2012 in Finland (almost 2 hours now) Pekka (Listening "last walz" by the Band)
  9. I am embrased to admit, that the crest project has not proceed much. I made the plywood frame, but haven't found suitable patterns for the lettering... I have not given this up yet, though... Meanwhile I printed a T-shirt using similar pattern. This prototype was painted with Humbrol-enamel
  10. Let's see will Captain be interested in riding all the way up to Finland... It is a long way and two or three crossings in sea-ferries involved, depending on the route. We need to find some event interesting enough to make the trip worth a while. Btw., here's how my ride looks like at the moment. It is supposed to be dark blue when completed...
  11. Welcome to Finland, Mark, Unfortunately my D24 is still on dry dock for the paint job (been there >2 yrs, I prepare it by myself only) My intention is to spray top coat early next summer if I will find time for it. Anyway, we will find wheels and some get together event for sure. Let me know the time when you will be here and the location(s) you will stay at. Cheers, Pekka
  12. I just spotted the below image in the net: I suppose the red painting is just "a custom touch" by the owner, not factory made feature? Makes the Ram to stand out much better, though... This is apparently an Australian web site "Just Cars". http://www.justauto.com.au/justcars/know/news/e1e7b25a-d8a8-4fcb-be74-379638188c68
  13. I recently read about a 1926 Nash, which had a stuck engine. The owner soaked the cylinders in Coca Cola - He poured soda in through the plug holes and let it sit some days. The engine was released free! He had been advised by some old timer to do so. Afterwards he washed the engine by water, petroleum and thin oil. Even the compression rings were released and he got decent compression pressure in each cylinder. As a result he claims that the 85 yrs old engine has never been opened since it was assembled in Kenosha. The Nash has been serving her duty in northern Finland (Lappland) in the 30's, still in Finland.
  14. That must have been what you call "Merry Christmas"...?
  15. Merry Christmas to all of you fine fellows! Here's our home made Father Christmas http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/262/krysler005.jpg' alt='krysler005.jpg'> Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/img] (Guess who's behind the beard...)
  16. Yes, I said I'd love a ride in a 40's professional car, but this was NOT EXACTLY what I had in my mind... I know I do not look as gorgeous as I used to, but the rumours of my d***t are preliminary and exaggerated.
  17. Rich, Thanks for sharing very interesting information - Aluminium head in 1939. Has your car been delivered for taxi-duty? Was the compression ratio also higher for the al.head? Do we know was there any "soup up" for the camshaft by the factory? /Pekka
  18. There is a "taxi"-thread here on the forum, but it appears to go a bit "off-the-taxi-topic", thus I post this period photo here: I would love to ride in a P15 taxi... http://images.library.pitt.edu/cgi-bin/i/image/getimage-idx?cc=hpicasc;entryid=x-000235.pic;viewid=000235PIC.TIF;x=1500;y=1194;width=7500;height=5970;res=0;view=image
  19. Just about everything allright in this scene...
  20. Jon, I removed the hinges by using a impact socket tool just like yours. There was some rust, but I prepared by spray of rust-off thin oil in to the threads from inside the door. The screws were tight but came off in one piece. Randy's hint using a locator pin is useful - in case your doors are well aligned now. I had to aling the doors anyway - some previous owners had obviously messed with hinges...
  21. Hi Folks, A fellow offers me a new set of main & connecting rod bearings he has bought for a Plymouth 218 engine. Will they fit for my D24 230? Andy Bernbaum has different order code for P15 vs. D24... Thanks, Pekka
  22. As far as I see there is not a single Nash in the picture...?
  23. Yes... Buick, Pontiac & Olds shared the same body. However, Buick tail lights are vertical, Olds has horizontal like this one. Also the fender trim mouldings are different. This still looks more Olds to me.
  24. I will answer to my own question... #1 is surely 1941 Oldsmobile and #2 looks like 1940 Studebaker. - Right?
  25. I tried to recognize the cars... some easy, some a bit uncertain. Two of those I could not say - see #1 and #2 ??? #1 Coupe has fancy brightwork, should be easy to recognise #2 4D sedan has a two piece grille that could be lincoln or stude...? http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/2630/1941lot.jpg' alt='1941lot.jpg'> [/img]
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