If it's running try to drive it off. Back off nut enough to just give it room to shift, put cottter key back in it and drive it a few feet/yards up and down the street ( don't get too far from the house ) and it should break loose. That's the only way I could get mine. Broke two rented pullers.
If you are refering to the retaining pins that hold the king pins in place there is one on each spindle about center. they will be offset towards the outside of the kingpin itself and be about 3/8 inch in diameter. The drivers side should removed by punching it out from the rear towaward the front and the passenger side from the front rearward. Do a search and you should be able to find a pic.
Check over on the HAMB. http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=5 If you take much out of that top it will really lose that sweet profile in my opinion.
We all know how hard it is to find it. Was doing some surfing and came accross a repo 51 Chevy trim that looks close. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1949-1952-CHEVROLET-ROCKER-MOULDINGS-TRIM-pair-NEW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZalgoQ3dLVIQ26ituQ3dUCIQ26otnQ3d3Q26poQ3dLVIQ26psQ3d63Q26clkidQ3d6583444660562807636QQ_trksidZp3286Q2em7QQcategoryZ140708QQitemZ390223769811 Think this might work as a close reasonable substitute ?
North Carolina. If no NC title on hand you must have auto inspected by State Identity and Theft Bureau Inspector. This took me a total of four months to finally get a new Title in hand. My car is a 49 first series P15 which does not show up in their data base so they arbitrarily gave it a 46 title. And they used the engine/frame number not the body number on door frame tag.
You need the end, rod and nut, Correct ? If same as P15 I will not need them as I am puttin in modern brake system. If they will work PM me with an address. Picture or part number too if you can.
Having worked in Mopar assembly plant in Detroit in the early 60's and seeing the newly built cars reved way up on first start and then peeling rubber off the rollers and out the factory door to a marshalling line perhaps a mile or more away or watching the Porsches flying in convoy down the autobahn at 100 mph+ test runs prior to delivery I just don't get this thing about "break in". Hasn't the damage already been done ? Picked up a Dodge in NJ on return from last tour in Europe and drove to NC imediately and had that car for 10years and 160K miles without a problem. Is this break in thing a myth ?
Just the upgrade to the SUPER SIX 2 barrel intake and larger exhaust makes a big change. Like adding two more cylinders. Really noticable when passing at speed. Bulletproof engines.
Finally recieved paperwork from NC State inspector after all these months to get my title. Regardless of what I told and showed him my First series 49 is being titled as a 46 because the State database does not show/acknowledge a 49 P15. He also used frame and matching engine number rather that the SN tag on body. At least I can get plates and insurance now.
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