Determined that it was plumbed backwards; corrected. Has vacuum. Check valve functioning, Has proportioning valve that came with brake system. MC pumps fluid. Pedal still all the way to the top and hard to push. I'm totally at a loss here. Finally stopped rainin after two days so I'm going to go through the whole thing again. How do I check for a bad booster ?
I did search this forum, The HAMB and several places on line and could not get a definitive answer. I did not however think about looking for an S10 Forum. Sunset; Thank You
Thanks. Ed I have every piece except rocker trim. It was a very complete car. Totally rebuilt floor and now just have outer rockers to replace and repair old accident damage in front of drivers door.
The official first ride. After 8 months. Engine runs, Transmission shifts,goes down the road, steers and stops. What a wonderful day. Still a long way to go though.
The old Leather ? pump sat dry for many years and is badly deteriorated. On the brakes should I perhaps back off some on the rear brake adjustment ? so as to give me some pedal ?
It does not attach to the ring itself. It comes out of the little hole at the top of steering column and into a little fitting with a button type end. The horn ring floats above all this on the spring and makes a ground connection when you push on it and it makes contact with the plate on top of column.
Really drove my beast for the first time today. The power brakes are really hard. Could I have them plumbed backwards. MC and booster are from a 2004 Chevy S10. Front line to front brakes ? orr did I make a boo boo? Anyone know where I can get just an accelerator pump for my carb. The rest of it is ingreat shape.
I need a funcioning heater. My car is meant to be a daily driver and having the "Correct" heater is not required. Has anyone used something different or more modern ? I was thinking that perhaps something from a later model car/pickup that still used manual controls as opposed to the vacuum operated units in todays cars. Low cost (Salvage yard) is imperative. Anybody have an idea as to a good idea for one even if it has an AC unit as part of it if it would not be out of the question. Being a 12 volt system running on half power it would probably be more efficient than the old ones I would think. Polarity and fan direction would be the main problem that I can see. Just throwing this out for some input from the gang. PS: One brake line to install, beeld the brakes and I hope to actually have a driveable car today.
Cannot reccomend Tennessee Clutch enough. One week turnaround time and it looks like factory fresh. Price at this time was $24.00 plus return shipping.
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