Spent the last few days working on wiring. re did gen, coil, etc wires, took the sticky starter appart and got it working good,tried to start after 4 months and went crazy trying to figure out why no spark. Went back to basics and realized points were barely opening. Pulled the radio and clock (not working) and inspected wires under dash and the wires are really in excellent shape. Cleaned dash light sockets and will replace all bulbs. Are there brighter ones ? The high beam indicator light has me puzzled. It is insided a metal cap. Does that come off the base ? And does the three position dash light switch have OFF/LOW/HIGH or LOW/MED/HIGH ? Headlights and tail light wires good but both high beams burnt out. Left side front running light came appart ok right side rusted screws that no screwdriver coud get out. Took an old screwdriver and tack welded to one screw at a time to turn them out. Worked good. All floor patches welded in so I don't have the FLINTSTONES look. Now for a trip to the junkyard to get a brake pedal/booster assy and this thing might even be driveable. I feel like I've accomplished something in the last couple of weeks.