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  • Gender
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    North East PA
  • My Project Cars
    1952 B3B, 1997 Pontiac Grande Prix GTP

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  • Biography
    1952 Dodge B3B
  • Occupation
    Biomedical Engineer


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    North East PA
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  1. I think you are going to find that you will need to use the pump for the truck engine as the pump arms are different.
  2. that is cool picture, hunting in Dodge truck.
  3. what weight mtl? gear oil are you using?
  4. This was in the local newspaper front page Scranton PA. Probably made front page across the country.
  5. Is there a charge for this or do they take donations? I did not see a charge in the form.
  6. Thanks for the information. I will get one and give it try.
  7. I saw post that. Referenced using a Honda seal 91204-HB3-004 as replacement. Has anyone used this seal as a replacement and did it work?
  8. The synchronizer brass inner rings are hard if not impossible to find. Not sure what can be used as a replacement.
  9. What size studs have you used to replace the pedal studs on your trucks?
  10. I would interested knowing the ebay site you got the schyronizer from I have been looking for the inner brass rings for 3 speed for some time now with no luck. The schyronizer assembly should be a awt234-21/2a. You can pm me.
  11. Anyone have any pictures of the engine bay splash shields. looking for info on how they are mounted.
  12. Any suggestions on fixing the leak on the pan were the dip stick mounts to the pan. Did you mig weld it or braze it or use a dealer?
  13. That is the right one for the pulling the drums
  14. thanks for the information' anyone have aftermarket part number for the synchronizer ?
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