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Fernando Mendes

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Everything posted by Fernando Mendes

  1. I had in 2008 the same problem in my #4 exhaust cylinder WWII jeep and tried many times to use "Locktite" and did not solve the problem.Only in 2016 when I restored all the engine.The tappet threads was damaged.Good luck.
  2. Yes.Pilot house=1948-1953 B1=1948-1949 B2=1950-1951 B3=1952-1953.
  3. Today, after having already made my shelf, I had to make a thread with a male to place the gas pump heat shelf support screw.
  4. Dodge 1946 toda furada de balas.bmp
  5. My fuel line CARTER pump(original) to CARTER E7T2 B&B carburetor with CARTER filter since april 2019.Before I used a brazilian DFV carburetor during 32 years.
  6. My IND-251 only has a cap in the oil filler.It has the downdraft tube under the exhaust manifold too.
  7. The flat side of the copper washer is toward the screwhead or.....
  8. Does it happen with Dodge 4x4 trucks with dual wheels too? I've heard that military GMC 6x6 trucks even lock their wheels because of the hidrovacs. That to solve this problem, their valves must be removed from the master cylinder.
  9. Look out.Not similar.Regards.
  10. Brake pedal rubber.
  11. Solid rivets that I received in the Trico kits.There is not hole in the middle.When I put Pop I did not noticed that its hole will leak.Thanks.
  12. I have been trying to make this engine work since december and I did thirteen disassemblies.
  13. Hi lostviking.I would like to tell you that today I managed to make the motor work.First I disassembled all the incompatible paddle that I received from E-bay and removed the rubbers.Disassembled my damaged paddle too and put only the rubbers on it.Put the two rivets.Reassembled the motor and tested in the truck.It worked like NEVER since 2005 when I bought the truck.I would like to thank you for your patience and good will.Best Regards.
  14. A video showing the sealing material of the paddle.I will study how to mix two type of sealing material.Thanks lostviking.Regards.
  15. I did not see the "exhaust valve gasket"(rubber or other material?) in IMG... 105557. I think my motor is SF583-27 that can be fitted to the left or right side and has helper handle.
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