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Fernando Mendes

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Everything posted by Fernando Mendes

  1. Someone here in this forum said to me that this RAM was for a car,probably 1951.
  2. That was my RAM I used since june 2010.
  3. 1948-1951-Trucks 1956-cars Dodge Coronet 1951.bmp Dodge Coronet 1953..bmp
  4. I never adjusted my clutch,but have this help.
  5. Bought hood RAM(same as pic) for my B3-B yesterday.Would like to know if canadian PU Dodge had this ornament originally.Thanks.Regards.
  6. My 25" 251cid engine does not have timing pointer too.?
  7. ? understood.Thanks.But a question:cold or hot plugs does not interfere in increasing or decreasing the compression ratio?
  8. I would like to know if the spark plug hot or cold have relation with compression ratio.I always used NGK B6S and after milled its head a friend recommended to use NGK B4.Could this be a increased of compression ratio and it is causing a little leak in the gasket?
  9. I run BR6S plugs in mine. They are the correct heat range for these motors. I definitely would not run anything hotter based on my plug readings. Jeff Can this be the motive that is causing the leaks?
  10. Jeff I always run too with NGKB6S although noticed more black its eletrodo.Now when I was buy the head gasket the seller recommended to me and show a book that says CHYRSLER 1950-56.......B-4
  11. We assembled the engine yesterday.It already functioned.It had a little leak in the left side of the gasket.We retorqued to 100 foot pounds and it stopped to leak.We put NGK B-4 hot spark plugs.Is it better than NGK B-6 cold spark plugs?
  12. Merle.I sent pic yesterday showing that my water pump is not open behind the backing plate.No hole drilled in the backing plate.
  13. Thanks again to JBNeal and Merle.?
  14. If you don’t have a thermostat installed then there is no need for a bypass circuit. However, operating without a thermostat isn’t good for your engine. It’ll take longer to get to operating temperature and may not cool as efficiently as it should when it does get hot. Merle.I can clog the hole again with a piece of rubber.
  15. I do not use its thermostat valve since I bought in 1987.It is probably to damage?
  16. Today I withdrew the water pump to see if exist communication with the bypass hole on the block but not exist.See the pics.The hole that not exist in the water pump would be in the point of the red pen.
  17. Ok.I stopped the work in the morning yet.I was worried in damage the water jacket and waited more information of you.Now I saw the horizontal port that connects with its water pump.It has pieces of rubber inside.Thanks.
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