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Charlie Olson

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Everything posted by Charlie Olson

  1. It is late, Monday night, and I just now heard about the earthquake in NZ. My hopes and prayers for the safety and well being of our NZ & OZ friends. We are thinking about you, down under.
  2. My prayers are with you and your Mom. M - For the MILLION things she gave me, O - For she's growing OLD, T - For the TEARS she shed to save me, H - For her HEART of purest gold, E - For her EYES, with love-light shining, R - For she is always RIGHT and always be.
  3. Hey Dave, I think it looks way better directly, than it does in the pictures. The curvy clam shell shape and red eye reflector really add a perfect 40's accessory look. I bet you'll enjoy having one, as much as I do.
  4. PLYWOOD's new red glass SS deflector.
  5. Purchase Deflector from Wirth's Auto: $25 Shipping: $5 Speaking with Roy Wirth: Priceless
  6. As I stated before, however, here is an Ebay photo of a mounted exhaust deflector: 400193356865
  7. I took some photos, but will have to wait until I go to the office to have the office manager download and forward them to me. I am trying hard to still live in the 1950's.
  8. Today, I received and installed my new "red jeweled" SS exhaust deflector. It is just like this one on ebay: 290526190340; however, I purchased mine from Wirth's Custom Automotive (www.wirthcustomauto.com) because I like to do business with Mom and Pop people. This new addition really looks nice on a P15, with the big curvy fenders and body.
  9. So, how old are you now?
  10. Imagine my surprise, as I was reading The Plymouth Bulletin, November-December, 2010, issue, when I turned to page 7. A big shout out to Bob Drown and Cooper (40plymouth), as usual, looking good!! A very special thank you to Lanny Knutsen, editor of The Plymouth Bulletin, for his genuine support and concerns. Wonder where PLYWOOD will show up next? Thanks again, Lanny. OMG!!!! Imagine my further surprise, when later this evening, I was reading the February, 2011, issue of The Woodie Times, and saw the same Christmas write up and a photo of Art Butler, Chris, Wil and PLYWOOD on page 11. PLYWOOD appearing in two car magazines in the same month is a lot more than I would have ever dreamed, for a phantom woodie. The photo is the same one I present here, of Art Butler, Chris and Wil.
  11. Well, before the Boo Birds start squawking about what they didn't like about tonight's show (2-2-2011), I thought I would make a few comments about some of the local collector car lore in tonight's episode. Snakes - in the 15+ trips I have made to the DVAP yards, I have never seen a snake; however, we usually tap on the cars before we crawl into or under them. The crews at the yards pull all of the parts, but sometimes you need to look under and into a car, to see if it has what you need. McClure's private yard is full of neat, unusual cars that you can see through the chain link gate - I didn't know it was his private collection, until tonight's show. So far, they are only showing the PHX yard, where the post 50's cars are stored. The Casa Grande yard is where the older iron is kept. Speedworld is a great place to attend the drags and car shows; NW PHX area. I drove right by the Firebird Raceway, where the two 442's had their father/son sorta race, today, on my way to a four hour Doo Wop/Rock & Roll concert, at the Ak-Chin Casino, in Maricopa, put on by http://www.timeandtimeagainentertainment.com/. Really great live songs from my younger days. This area has a very active Rockabilly music/car show crowd and I always get a lot of period dressed young people using PLYWOOD for photos when I attend. Nothing like a group of tattooed girls with bobby socks and polka dot skirts standing by your car for photos. The couple they showed tonight look and live like they did on the show everyday; it is an honest life style for them. We have a lot of private car collections/museums in the Valley of the Sun. So far, I have been lucky enough to see 12 of them. These first two episodes were evidently shot last Spring, because of all of the green desert plant life.
  12. I went on the Wirth site and saw the Universal SS Exhaust Deflector with the red glass reflector. I called them and spoke to Roy Wirth, a very nice guy, and ordered one of those SS Exhaust Reflectors, for PLYWOOD. I hope to have it in time, for this weekends PHX Heritage Square "MOTORING THROUGH TIME" car show. http://phoenix.gov/PARKS/herievnt.html, to click on link to last year's (2010) photos.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech
  14. Remove the radiator cap, before it gets too hot; wait until it is over heated, take a flashlight and see if the water is flowing in the radiator; if not thermostat is not opening.
  15. Steve, your P15 is sure a fine looking car!!!! I drove PLYWOOD over to the Silver Auction's Last Chance auction, at the Fort McDowell Casino, today. I was lucky to park right next to the entry gate and spent a few hours observing the auction and all of the people stopping to look PLYWOOD over, before they purchased their tickets and entered the event. I hope PLYWOOD added to the enjoyment, of their day. Charlie Olson, Auction Reporter, The Wood Car company
  16. If ever any of you ever travel to the PHX area and would like to visit both of the DVAP yards; PHX & Casa Grande (where most of the pre 70's vehicles are stored), I would be happy to go with you, as it is always a fun way to spend some time. Charlie Olson, AZ Tourism Liaison, The Wood Car Company
  17. I read in the March 2011 HMN edition that this "Suburban" was built for the US Coast Guard; no more details than that. The asking price has been lowered to $24,500; from $28,500. Charlie Olson, research department manager, The Wood Car Company
  18. It sure is good to see that TV land can't fool you guys. Just remember, it is a "reality" show; not a "realistic" show. I was hoping some of you nay sayers would appreciate the nice views of our desert geography, see some of our local car guys and their cars and not get out your "nit picking" bifocals.
  19. Well. last May (2010), on the Annual Route 66 Fun Run, PLYWOOD and I were caught in a severe snow/sleet storm. There was actually 1/8 inches of snow/hail/sleet on the ground. I was forced to put on long pants and socks.
  20. It was very nice to see some members of the AZ Thunderbird Club, on the show; as they usually show up to support a lot of the car event fund raisers in the Valley. It is always fun to go to the two DVAP yards to look at the museum of American auto history, as they get different cars delivered, every week. Some of the desert scape back roads, they showed, are the same roads many of our local runs use; great for photo ops. Even though it was a TV Reality Show, it was nice to see the old cars and the "hood" on the tube.
  21. Yes, there is a quick flash of a tan P15, on the show, and this link is that car. I had already bought my LF fender trim piece off of another P15 fender, in their yard, before this car arrived. The rest of the parts, to restore PLYWOOD, we got off of a complete parts car, that Art Butler bought; including the nice read fender gravel guards you see on PLYWOOD, now. http://www.dvap.com/parts/display/6680 Click on the photos to enlarge
  22. Hi All, tonight, Wednesday, January 26, 2011, is the debut broadcast of Discovery Channel's "Desert Car Kings"; an old car related ""REALITY"" show, filmed in THE GREAT STATE OF ARIZONA. We, in the Arizona Collector Car Community are very excited for this program to highlight the old car hobby in our state. PS: For the wrecked PLYWOOD, I got my LF fender trim SS piece from Desert Valley Auto Parts, which is owned by the McClure family, the main characters in Desert Car Kings. Charlie Olson, Publicity Chairman, The Wood Car Company
  23. If we have to announce that something is going to be written/said "tongue in cheek", so as to prevent offending the overly sensitive, then we might as well just all take our little pink pills and stay in the twi-light zone. This is America and every one has every right to be offended. Now, stop huffing and puffing and go out and save the world. Cry Baby! This was written so as to make fun of political correctness, for those who might not get it.
  24. The key word here is "phantom", as in the suggestion to describe the "suburban" as a "phantom". Some people take things way too literal and serious. Charlie Olson, Ombudsman, The Wood Car Company
  25. Well, you know, "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull ****". Right? Besides, it is all done in good fun.
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