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Plymouthy Adams

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Everything posted by Plymouthy Adams

  1. I beleive Darin asked long back about order of sequence in work to be accomplished..he got many answers...suprised to see it went to the painter prior to floor work being done..had thought it was accomplished myself...make sure the threshold is protected while working through the opening or your paint job has just gone south at an early part in its life. As for the not being seen..that is true..make sure it is a water tight repair..because as you said you will not see it but wet carpet and padding will accelerate a small problem in a quick fashion.
  2. Most domestic ars are running 7/16-20, 1/2-20 or 12 MM x 1.25 and grade eight material. Max torque is based on the size of the stud in use. Alloy wheels are more critcal for torque values than the steel wheels and discs moreso than drums. Your car..your call as to what method you use..the commercial industry is slowly learning that liability is incurred when bolting your wheels back on and on any chassis component removed, installed or adjusted during alignment...Our old cars are 1/2-20 nuts and threaded bolts.. The quality of material in respect to the lug nuts, studs and or bolts have not been lessened in my opinion.
  3. Maybe..but that would be phantom number 2
  4. with that dash..sure look like a Plymouth in Dodge trim to me...
  5. could that be a Plymouth in Dodge disguise?
  6. When I talked to him last he had intentions to keep the Plymouth...at that time he was just firming the buy on the Hudson..time will tell.his Plymouth is very nice car....
  7. I don't think anyone at Goodyear ever seen this film...lol I remember as a lad visiting the recapping facility..it was awesome to watch them work.
  8. probably catching a cold beer in front of the TV just happy they had quit yelling and were being quiet...lol kids are like that also....
  9. and you think changing a tape or cd or tuning a radio while driving is dangerous...while nostalgic and a subject of conversation at a cruise in or show...have zero interest in one of these..anyone need an eight tract tape player...????????????? just as antiquated. It is one of the toys that separate most the owner of "restored" period perfect vehicles...
  10. Now if there was any truth to that..the tire stud stocks would shoot off the stock exchange given the amount of cars on the road... The jerkwads messed up..pure and simple...not bragging but that is why I own my own tire machine, balancer and lift...plus on the most part it is fun..allows you to inspect brakes peridically, lube the chassis and all that stuff that seems to get neglected because getting under the car is such a pain. Don..any news on coming this way yet...??
  11. looks like nothing a bit of Oxi-clean, Ritz dye and an iron won't take care of...
  12. at my age I probably need zinc added to my valium
  13. exactly why my old saying is this " I can mess something up a lot cheaper than paying someone else to"
  14. I admit that I was a bit more in the know, Charlie and I have discussed this a few time on the phone..I am anxious to see his 'burb when finished. To expedite his car being back on the road, he is not doing all he wanted to do this time around.
  15. while you up get me some valium..this may take a bit...
  16. make sure the light at the end of the tunnel is not your snowblowing nieghbor bearing down on you...
  17. tell me we are not going down that path AGIAN...
  18. to truly mix the paint properly you should have a viscosity cup..that said and following the quidelines of the manufacturer will get you there. HVLP guns are restricted by law for the end user (you) not to exceed 10PSI nozzle pressure..yes a larger hose will be needed for the volume..however the mini-regulator at the inlet to the gun is needed to ensure that the guns inlet pressure is maintained to keep the gun at 10 PSI nozzzle. I feed my gun through 3/8 line, my inlet pressure is 29 PSI for max 10 PSI and excellent atomization. (estabilished by the maker and etched onto the gun) You can go lower on the inlet pressure depending on the size item being painted and keep "bounce" to a minimum. Establishing good paint control and regulated inlets pressure will ensure after cleaning the gun you can go back to the same settings by counting the turns form seated to operational after assembly. Fine tune from there based on viscosity of media..DO install the regulator..keep dusting under control by not exceeeding the outlet PSI.
  19. Charlie is just now installing the automatic and is not back on the road yet..the slipping is in reference to the before automatic when he installed the 3.23 gears and running with the clutch..
  20. I believe you will find that to be the correct old world and still used in some contries spelling of the name "George"
  21. Shipping charges are outrageous..I just sold a 49 front window garnish..packed it as concise as possible and yet ensure safe arrival..UPS 90 buckerroos..UP Postal..60.00 contacted the buyer..he says cut it in four pieces equally as its going in a chopped car anyway..so with that it will be about 22 shipping including a horn ring and center... These people are out for blood and then you have those that refuse to ship to Canada..somebody here knows what I am talking about...lol
  22. Granted Norm..Heinz 57 variety at its best..a lot of effort went into the original concept of this car...and its a shame it is in the condition it is in..good post on the bumper Don...reminds me of my high school algebra teacher..bit, fat and unattractive.
  23. YOM tag Norm has nothing to do with the time the custom was built...never implied that...has all to do with the registration of the donor car, they must match vehicle build year..why I think 55 may be the original car...would not think anyone would go to the trouble of matching front and rear plates just for sticking them on factor..the states that require matching tags for YOM even can be quite expenisve sometimes..and at this time I would think the tags have a greater street value and would be first thing stolen (maybe the only thing stolen) off the car if indeed it is parked as shown all the time. I don't think drugs were were available in the 50's to come up with this car...even purple jesus hadn't come along yet.
  24. IF it is current registration and the tags on the vehicle are YOM tags..then it placed the car vintage at a 55 model..regardless of the donor car the vehicle is a bondo bandit with serious canker under the paint/layers. Even the door is has huge shrinkage circle cracks in the paint..very heavy paint on lots of bondo skimmed even on the door panels. Anyone entertaining this best have lots of patience, loved for body work and poor taste in vehicle shape and lines. At on time in its prime the car probably would appear a bit more fashionable..probably trendy in its original heyday..definitely a one of creation..I would venture to guess this car will only continue to go down hill from here as it does not have any real known nostalgic value like being featured in a movie...I am sure the owner has eyes glazed over with dollar signs estimating the cars value. Sad part is that the interior when done plus the top set the owner back a bit when new...time to donate this thing to the Kidney Foundation for a huge tax write off based on the posssible Barris vintage......
  25. actually that soft Easter egg color looks very good on that car. I am a fan of lighter colors. As you get more and more of the trim back on the car breaking up the mass and defining lines..it will surely look good...as mentioned a contrasting green paint a shade or two darker on the wheels will compliment that paint scheme. You getting there...!
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