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Everything posted by RobertKB

  1. Same location, different car. I had my ‘48 Dodge D25 club coupe out today. Both it and the ‘51 Dodge above, are Canadian Dodges based on the Plymouth but with Dodge trim. I’ll try to get my 3rd and last old Mopar out tomorrow or the next day in the same location, my 1953 Plymouth.
  2. I’ve enjoyed this thread start to finish! What a great job you have done on a car that was really a basket case to start!! It looks great and runs well. Now it’s time to go for that ‘55 Caddy you were looking at earlier. You would make a great car there too.
  3. That is a gorgeous car!! Any dark colour, especially black, really shows the curves these old girls have!
  4. Usually just a single barley sammich.
  5. Nothing special today. Just out cruising in the ‘51 Dodge D39 business coupe and stopped at my favourite location. I just like all the greens at this time of year. I can open the trunk lid and use the trunk floor to sit on and have a cool one.
  6. This picture was in our local paper in the daily Flashback picture section. I’m assuming the front of the truck would lower as it’s unloaded. Just another day for a Dodge that looks like it was fairly new at the time of the picture. Nobody in the picture looks too worried.
  7. It all comes down to money. What sells well they bring in lots of. Items that are small sellers get dropped. The bigger the profit margin the better. That’s why so much stuff is outsourced by US/Canada firms and made in China. The general public is not willing to pay extra for US/Canada made products. Most people could care less where it’s made, just that it’s cheap. It’s called capitalism. i personally don’t find all Chinese products inferior, just some.
  8. I would look for a decent used engine. It will be cheaper than a rebuild or lock and stitch repair.
  9. I like my timing set 4 deg BTC, especially with modern fuels. Not sure if that would be your issue. Others more knowledgeable I’m sure will chime in.
  10. How about a little bit of an introduction?
  11. I didn’t realize there was an attachment limit. I’ve been a member since 2006 and have posted quite a lot of attachments. Thought I might be near my limit but was pleasantly surprised to find I’m only at 37%. Love this forum and appreciate all associated with keeping it running!!
  12. I will occasionally drive my cars on gravel but I do go quite slowly. Driving fast can really throw the gravel up and put stars on the outer paint surface from the inside. Undercoating the fenders would help with, but not eliminate, this issue. Great pictures!
  13. Cool find. I like your idea. We’ve all come across “impossible to find” stuff that is someone else’s junk.
  14. Bob, speaking of cars that were unfinished. Did your son-in-law finish the coupe you owned that had the tree fall on it? I seem to remember you gave it to him. I sometimes wonder what it’s fate was. He did nice work on your tornado damaged convertible.
  15. I’m thinking (guessing) he has plans for the ‘51 Dodge limo mountain tour car. It is one of the few cars that lives out of the weather. Stella was fun but I really like Frankers.
  16. It is a lot of fun. All kinds of projects, characters, and craziness! Plenty of Plymouths also as well as plaid and poodles. I look forward to it every Saturday afternoon! They have a lot of enjoyment from a variety of old cars. I’m enjoying the ‘59 Buicks right now. It’s actually done in my province although a good 325 miles north of where I live.
  17. I had been thinking about a Fargo truck but it needed everything which is more than I want to take on. I’ve got three old Mopars I drive and it’s a good spare “just in case”. However, I’d never rule out a project needing less work than the truck.
  18. No, it’s not pistachio ice cream. Colour in the picture shows lighter than it actually is. It’s called shallot green. This is closer to actual colour. Cell phones and computers are notoriously unreliable when showing colour. Or this.
  19. Thanks for the compliment! Wasn’t always like that! Six year project. ?
  20. Yesterday I posted about taking my ‘48 Dodge for a run that included some gravel. Today I had the ‘51 Dodge D39 business coupe out for a run. I sometimes like driving down the old service roads that run beside small canals or former canals which is what this partially overgrown road runs beside. I like to park the car and just enjoy the day and a beverage. Today I took the road less travelled and that has made all the difference. (Acknowledgement to Robert Frost).
  21. I’ve had this spare engine for about twenty years. I ran it when I first got it and it’s been sitting in my garage since. I robbed a couple of pieces off it that were needed elsewhere, fuel pump being one. Lately, I’ve been watching a lot of Cold War Motors and they start engines that have sat for ages, lots of them Mopar flatties. Motivated by that, I decided to get my old flattie going. It turned over fine. I removed plugs to help build oil pressure quickly. Reinstalled plugs and checked for spark which was strong. Put a bit of gas down the carb and cranked. It fired immediately and ran for about five seconds. Next I’ll be hooking up a fuel line to run it a bit longer. Then finally add a spare radiator and really run her for a while. The motor came out of a wrecked car and only had about 2,000 miles since a professional rebuild. It’s a truck engine T311 which makes it a 228 CID. I’ll try to post a video later when rad has been added and I can run it longer.
  22. Great picture! Great car! You got yourself a jewel there!
  23. I would definitely use a copper washer between the brake hose and wheel cylinder. You are asking for leak trouble otherwise. Copper washer you are showing is either original or a replacement one the same as original. It just has the extra material which fits the hole in the backing plate and prevented dirt of moisture getting in. New copper washers are fine to use but do leave a bit of a gap for crap to get in. If you want to use the old washers you should anneal them. Heat them with a propane torch until cherry red and let them cool slowly. I did this with the original style washers on my ‘51 Dodge.
  24. Had the ‘48 Dodge D25 club coupe out in the country this afternoon. Roads were mainly paved but the old girl did some gravel as well. I’m pretty careful on gravel and take my time but she still got a bit dusty. Oh well, not the first time she’s seen gravel. I imagine in her early life most of her miles were on gravel as roads around here weren’t paved until the mid ‘50’s or later.
  25. I’ve used YnZ three times and been very happy with their wiring harnesses. Not cheap but then other companies aren’t either. I have no connection to them except being a satisfied customer.
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