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Don Coatney

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Everything posted by Don Coatney

  1. Mike; Did you find the reason the fuse blew? If not it will most likely happen again.
  2. So Jim; Are you up and running?
  3. Merle; Looks good. Wise choice of tires on the rear:D Hate to see you hung out to dry in a snow drift.
  4. Nelson; Not sure I will make it to Madera on this trip but if I do I will contact you and drop in for sure.
  5. My most hearty thanks to James Douglas who was my personal chaffuer for another day. We went to most all districs of the city today. Drove quickly through the Castro district:eek: I added a few more photos to my bucket. Follow the link.. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v65/DonCoatney/Road%20trips%202004/SF%201-2007/
  6. Looks good Chet; I have my speedometer cable disconnected because in the cold weather it squals like a pigglet. I have a spare speedometer sitting on my desk at home and plan to do the same thing you did when time permits.
  7. Had a great day with James Douglas and Sandra. They have a very "cool" flat in the hilly city. I learned that the city of San Francisco is 7 miles long in both directions (this way, and that way). Makes me wonder how the high speed (100+ MPH) chase in the movie Bullet was done. My chaueffered ride today was done in this car and I had a ball. James looks to be having as much fun as me in this picture. Here are some sights of the city.
  8. Norm; Toy trains are great. But if you want the real thing come to California. My dad told me stories of riding the interurban railway. It was the best "high speed" railway for commuting between small towns in Indiana in the first half of the 1900's. Here in San Francisco these same restored and upgraded rail cars are in daily use. They are a real treat to ride.
  9. This evening James Douglas braved the chilly San Francisco weather using public transportation, and his well worn shoes, to meet with me at the Hotel where I am staying. He showed me a terrific place to get a steak only a couple of blocks away. Best part was he bought my grub. He made arraingments to pick me up in the morning (in his Desoto and I am going to love this ride) and give me a grand tour of the city and other local areas. Thanks James!! Tomorrow should be a fun day. Hope to connect with other left coast forum members. My camera is primed for this experiance!
  10. I am way behind in reading the postings on this forum. But I read this one and am glad the health of the forum is WAY above any other forum I frequent. I have met Greg and corroesponded with Charlie on several occassions. Perhaps our host GTK should develop a "good guy" album where postings such as this can land.
  11. Norm; I am at the Hilton at 333 O'Farrell Street near the financial district.
  12. James; Look forward to meeting with you. The electric railway museum sounds like fun as I have been riding them all week. I wonder how the electric rail trolley driver does it as I would be lost without a steering wheel:confused: One thing about San Francisco is the shoe manuafactures must love it as most travel is done on the hoof. We do things differently in Tennessee. Go into the hills in Tennessee and you will find stills of the moonshine variety. Go into the hills in California and you will find fermented grapes and raisins below the snow line.
  13. What was the cost?
  14. Thanks Norm; I will be in San Francisco tomorrow afternoon and staying for a while. Any chance for a connection?
  15. Norm? "IT" or me???
  16. Brad; Did you not get bridal instructions? "Some assumulation required" You must be one of "them" who tosses the instruction sheet. Trust me, gets better with time and practice.
  17. This is a multifuel engine and will run on any combustable heat source. I last fired it on propane but melted the solder out of the boiler. had to re-solder it. It runs great and only requires a squirt ot two of good oil.
  18. is my right foot. Another reason I will win the BIG RACE!
  19. The squeaking sound you are getting is quite possibly due to worn pedal bushings allowing the sides of the clutch pedal to make contact with the floorboard as the pedal is depressed and released. If your clutch overcenter spring is adjusted correctly your clutch pedal will move smartly (you might hear it pop to the top) from the mid position to the fully released (top most) position and it will require very little pressure to push the pedal from the midway point to the floor with the clutch fork rod disconnected or removed. A turnbuckle is used to adjust the overcenter spring. Too much free play is bad and not enough free play is bad. A threaded rod with a lock nut (not a turnbuckle) is used for the free play adjustment.
  20. If teflon tape dope fails to work I break out the big guns.
  21. Jeff; The criteria for posting pictures on this new forum is somewhat different than the old forum. In your Photobucket album there are 3 choices below the thumbnail picture.The bottom one is labeled "IMG Code". Photobucket is now setup so if you left click in the contents of the message box labeled IMG Code a box will pop up saying "copied". Next simply paste this IMG Code in the body of the message you are posting and the pasting will look something like this Your new camera works well.
  22. I, many moons ago, made a suggestion that there should be a "tools" section on this web page. I have such a section in my Photobucket album. To view it go here. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v65/DonCoatney/Tools/?start=all
  23. I really do not know how many hammers I have as I never counted them. Dont tell Tim Adams but I lifted this hammer from him when I had my car in his shop. It is an original hammer except the handle has been replaced three times and the head twice due to normal wear and tear.
  24. Rodney; Sorry to hear of the loss of your Grandfather.
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