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Everything posted by Bob_Koch

  1. Glad you saw this Tod. I didn't even think of checking highway conditions in AZ until you said this.
  2. Headed to Arizona for Christmas. Was going to go home to N. California by way of Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion Parks next week. Maybe we won't.
  3. What year is your truck? 1948 - 51 used Vertical Radios 602 or 802. 1951 - 53 B-3 and B-4 trucks had 610T radios that were horizontally mounted.
  4. The government denies that any 610T radio's exist. Any pictures you see were secretly stolen from Area 51. On occasion some people testify to sightings of 610T's, but their testimony is questionable.
  5. Jim, that will be nice to see when it's done.
  6. Just put in "autolite distributor shaft" in ebay and came up with a few of them. Then again, maybe someone here has the whole distributor that will work.
  7. That film was done just a couple of weeks before the 1906 earthquake. Somewhere there is a film showing the same street after the earthquake. The two have been shown on television to compare the destruction.
  8. what's the problem with keeping the vented windows?
  9. It's kinda like looking at modern art. I just don't get it.
  10. At this dealership, everyone's a winner. How come the Dodge only got 4 trophies? That's not right!
  11. The truck bought at auction is now for sale in Florida on Ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Dodge-Other-Pickups-53-DODGE-PICKUP-DROP-DEAD-GORGEOUS-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem4cf3c61c6cQQitemZ330507361388QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks Hope the dealer gets their money out of it.
  12. Yep, April 9th works. We'll avoid Spring Fling this way.
  13. I like HanksB3B's answer better. It's all about Bubba.
  14. Some nice stuff for anyone needing a few spares
  15. Glad you got the truck. There is lots of info on doing the volarie type swap on previous forums. You'll want to spend some time reading through them as there is a wealth of information here. Also, an article on the volarie type front end on the DPETCA site: http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/know/frontend/front.htm Yes, B1D is a 1 ton. Info on deciphering the coding is on the DPETCA site as well.
  16. Mark Fritsche has provided pictures and drawings a for replacement battery holder, hub wrench and ignition switch wrenches. They're posted on the DPETCA site for easy, permanent access. Enjoy: http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/know/know.htm Anyone with helpful information can always send it to me and I will post it so that everyone can have easy access to the information. Thanks again to those who have already done so.
  17. Mark Fritsche has provided pictures and drawings a for replacement battery holder, hub wrench and ignition switch wrenches. They're posted on the DPETCA site for easy, permanent access. Enjoy: http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/know/know.htm Anyone with helpful information can always send it to me and I will post it so that everyone can have easy access to the information. Thanks again to those who have already done so.
  18. got mine from vintage power wagons http://www.vintagepowerwagons.com/pdf/parts/18body.pdf
  19. Sold at Mecum Auction in Kansas City 12/2/11 for $15,750. 1953 1/2 ton. Must be early '53 as it still has the 52 style rear fenders. http://www.mecum.com/auctions/lot_detail.cfm?LOT_ID=KC1210-100622#5
  20. Good looking truck
  21. Trying to find out when what weekend Mopar Spring Fling is on we can avoid it. We have a few members that want to come but are obligated to the other.
  22. You are welcome to join our online chat session. This has been a great place to get valuable information and share information. Date: Last Sunday of the Month - Nov 28th Time: 5PM - PST That's: 6PM-MST That's: 7PM-CST That's 8PM - EST Where: DPETCA Website We will again be using the chat page on the DPETCA website Here's the link: http://www.dodgepilothouseclub.org/chat/index.php NOTE: When accessing the chat page, it is helpful to register before logging in, but not necessary. If desired you can simply enter your name and click enter without any password. Hope to see you there, Bob Koch DPETCA President
  23. You are welcome to join our online chat session. This has been a great place to get valuable information and share information. Date: Last Sunday of the Month - Nov 28th Time: 5PM - PST That's: 6PM-MST That's: 7PM-CST That's 8PM - EST Where: DPETCA Website We will again be using the chat page on the DPETCA website Here's the link: http://www.dodgepilothouseclub.org/chat/ NOTE: When accessing the chat page, it is helpful to register before logging in, but not necessary. If desired you can simply enter your name and click enter without any password. Hope to see you there, Bob Koch DPETCA President
  24. Are you going to put the the dump back on the truck? There aren't too many out there, but the few I've seen look nice when restored.
  25. Good resource. Thanks
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