I have been in touch with Iconografixinc, the publishers of Don Bunn's book:
Dodge B-Series Trucks: Restorer's and Collector's Reference Guide & History. The bible, if you want to call it that, for our Pilot-house trucks.
As you all know, the book is now out-of-print and if it can be found at all, the price is now in the hundreds of dollars. I inquired as to whether they might ever consider doing a reprint of the book and I received this reply froom the publishers president:
"We do bring some books back and now with the ultra short run printing are beginning to re-look at out of print books. Can you give me some idea on how you see the potential sales developing for a reprint? If you can we can take a better look at it and try to make something work."
I take this response to mean that if there is enough interest to demonstrate that a reprint would be worthwhile, then the publisher would consider doing a second printing.
I need to hear from all of you as to who would be interested in purchasing a copy of this reprint so that I can communicate this to the publisher. I have no idea as to the cost, I can only assume it might be slightly more than the original, which I think was between $35 - 40 dollars, but not anywhere near the cost of what the book is selling for now, if you can find it.
How many would still buy this book? What kind of numbers do you think would be realistic for a second printing?