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Dale Uhrich

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Everything posted by Dale Uhrich

  1. i have pictures of my truck i'd like to post. however i know how to email them but not post them. would anyone care to post them if i email them to you?
  2. I will have a lettering company do my truck name this week with the same stuff they do signs with.
  3. I Have A New Set Of Standard Rod Bearings. Federal Mogal 9185cp They Fit A 230 Ci Motor And 217.? Motor Price Is 95.00 Plus Shipping
  4. I have one out and stored in my garage in ND
  5. i was under the impression on cars you need an adaptor and on trucks you don't because it's a larger bell housing. also will the same speedometer cable work?
  6. I haven't been able to find alot on langdon's t5 tranny swap. Has anyone done this and is it as easy as it sounds? hints? problems? clutch? throw out bearing? if someone has done this in a truck would it be possible for me to call you?
  7. look at ebay number 110335499023 or 290292840635 they look close to what I have
  8. I bought them off ebay but I believe they were around 1956. maybe look on ebay at the jeeps around that vintage. I could send you an installed picture if I had an email address. I haven't mastered posting pictures here.
  9. I was able to buy jeep turn signals that were factory dual element and chrome instead of painted. they bolted with little work and look better chrome. My truck is a 1948-1950
  10. actually my part is different than all those. I did figure it out although. one box is like the first picture with two L shaped brackets at each back corner of the box and the back brace bolted them with 4 bolts on each side.(shown in picture.) The other box has a brace like the last picture but is straight across and bolts directly to the box sides with no other parts needed. either will work for me as long as I quit trying to combine the wrong pieces together. THANKS FOR THE HELP
  11. I have a group of high side short pickup boxes.(1948-1949-1950). It seens the part below the tailgate is different from one box to another. Some have four holes on each end and some have only two holes on each end with welded nuts inside. Does anyone have pictures of the two types and what they bolt to??
  12. I'm at the same place on my truck. Is powercoat an option?
  13. There Was Some Light Parts On Ebay Yesterday
  14. i might have the column bracket
  15. my mounts look like the ones in 9c of the posted instructions
  16. my visor, not installed yet, only has one bend at the bottom to go behind the drip rail. it doesn't have the second bend to go against the cab. the two bent tags each have two mounting holes in them, but i don't see how you would have much room for screw heads. I did have a picture at one time of someone on this forum who mounted a visor by screwing it through the outside if the drip rail on a blue truck. i however can't find it and don't remember who it was. would anyone have a set of the double bend fulton mounts shown in this thread??
  17. any close pictures of how it attaches?
  18. it is a simple question . how does one get a calendar? however in spite of all those who asked no one has answered it??????why is this????
  19. are these for sale???
  20. what is the story on the calendar?
  21. I was wondering if most poeple run the vaccum advance or not. which motors had it and if it's better or not. I have motors both ways.
  22. i never got your message but my truck was a 1949 b1b
  23. my plan is I bought a new plain tailgate and will have the name wire welded into it from the old tailgate. If any one else needs a dodge name from a tailgate i have one or two. I also have a tailgate for 1/2 ton that could be used.
  24. All I can say is YOU'RE THE MAN , good job
  25. I don't know what you are thinking of but the two heaters were sold to you for $125 not $200. When I asked for payment you always said you would pay when you sold your truck. I haven't heard that your truck sold and i most certainly haven't recieved my $125. i bought one heater from a local farmer for $125 and threw in a second one for more parts i had on hand. I'm sure if you check around this forum I have worked with alot of members and only one has failed to pay up.
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