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grady hawkins

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Everything posted by grady hawkins

  1. I have a balancer but the rubber in it is shot. I don't know if there is some way to replace the rubber?
  2. Thanks for the info !
  3. How is the caster angle adjusted on a D24 Dodge? Thanks
  4. Many Thanks for the information
  5. Anyone know the length of the woodruff key for the 1947 Dodge axel ??
  6. I welded up my D24 FD but for some reason could not get the clutch to release all the way when changing gears. Had to cut the welds back off!
  7. I still have the original one from my D24 but it does not have any numbers on it. I just put a spare hub cap on the spare tire.
  8. Great Pics! Thanks for sharing them
  9. The title for my D-24 coupe was 1949. Back in the day the new car models came out in January but the new Dodge model was not ready. This resulted in making D-24 models into January 1949
  10. I seem to recall that there use to be a thin copper head gaskets for these flat heads back in the day. Does anyone know if they are available anywhere?
  11. Gas Tank Filter.PDF
  12. AACA library follow up information.
  13. Has anyone seen one of the "metal oilite filters" or how it works in the gas tank on my D23?
  15. As strange as it might seem, I had a similar knock at idle in my D24.. turned out to be the rubber on the harmonic balancer had decomposed to the point that it was hitting the frame and making the noise!
  16. I looked high and low for an original front rubber floor mat for my D-24 Dodge. Never fond one !
  17. For the head bolts that go into the water jacket, I used #2 Permatex on the treads
  18. My D24 has a metal one and is quite useful if your emergency brake does not hold well on a hill and you have fluid drive !
  19. From end to end, how long should a speedometer cable be for a 1948 Plymouth 4 door Special Delux be??
  20. I can not find a time mark on the harmonic balancer on my 1948 Plymouth. Was there ever one put on the balancer??
  21. I note on the bottom of the emblem on my D-24 the letters U.S.A. are printed Not sure of the history why but I like it!
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