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Frank Gooz

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Everything posted by Frank Gooz

  1. Rich, I would like to learn from this posting how to adjust the choke properly. I tried to adjust the one on my 1950 Dodge do to such a high idle speed. Now it seems that there is no fast idle/choke function. Please keep us up to date. Thank you Frank
  2. That car looks like it is in great condition. congratulations on the find keep us post please.
  3. Not sure but i have seen post of guys using " Turners " They are in Fresno Ca. Good luck
  4. I have a Wilcap adapter, The 230/350. This will also let you use an overdrive version ( 200r4 or an 700r4 ). Talk to Paul about bolt patterns for starter and Transmissions as the there is also a Buick Oldsmobile Pontiac bolt pattern, different from the Chevy. I had also found a man I think was in Washington or Oregon That made an adapter to use a Mopar 518 transmission also an overdrive. Good luck
  5. I was working on my 1950 Dodge coronet this last weekend. It also has a IAT distributor and the screw/bolt that hold the wires to the post is actually a small bolt on mine. Still has a slot for the screw driver. May be someone had replaced it after loosing it. Mine would have been the same way, No way to use a screw driver.
  6. Rich,

    This is for my 1950 Dodge Coronet. Gyromatic transmission. I can not find out why the car just dies out of the blue. I like working on my own stuff but i am far from a mechanic. I trying to learn why my condensers ( I think )

    Just seem to go out. I bought 6 condensers two different brands trying to test to have some data to then test what is currently in my car. same think with the coil. I do not want to change only one thing at a time. 

    Not much fun to drive any where and have to think about this all the time. This car is for my wife and she is uncomfortable to drive it. 

  7. Thank you to all. I did find some info from the same person that Sniper had referred me to about my condenser testing. That also so said that i should wire my coil the way all of you said. opposite, Points to the + side.
  8. I just had a post, Trying to find why my car dies. I just bought some points Standard brand and Napa / Echlin, Same with condensers. And one coil Standard brand. The question I have is this coil is listed for my car. P/N UC14, Our cars are positive ground Do i wire this coil as marked + and - ? Will the coil know ? Am i over doing this ? I have not did the diagnostics on the parts in /on the car yet. i will start this in the morning. Testing my old parts and the new ones and make a log to fine what is wrong . And that the new ones are up to the job. I need to track down why this happens every so often.
  9. My 1950 Dodge Coronet with a Gyromatic transmission dies, But restarts sort of easy, i can only drive very slow after this happens. I am looking for help to find what is making the condenser go out. I feel this happens to my car after driving on the freeway. After i bought this car an older man, friend of the family said when he was a kid no one liked the old Dodge because the condensers always go out. They think it had to do with the shifting of the transmission. ( ignition stopping and stating ) I have not seen any common post here about this. I think there is some thing out of wrong with my car that i can not find or know what to look for. Do any of you have leads for me to check PLEASE Thank you
  10. The yellow wire runs from the ( 1950 shop manual ) the " anti-stall " to the kick down on the carburetor then from there to the Transmission governor and both the interrupter and the solenoid. Hope this sheds light for someone. The car starts idles very smooth, ran great until this current issue. I do hear a click when shifting. I just let off the pedal click, shifted, touch the pedal and it dies.
  11. I am trying to find a problem on my 1950 Dodge Coronet, With a gyro-matic transmission. Just like the last time i had trouble was running great then it died three or four times before I got back home. Last time I found a lot of little things wrong. Now I am not sure When I got home the Yellow wire on the from the carb to tranny had come off. I put it back on and the same thing. Dies at the shift point after letting off the then a soon as you touch the pedal Blah Blah dies but starts up sort of easy. I am thinking that it mite be the Dashpot? Dodge calls it a dashpot, The Desoto/Chrysler calls it a anti-stall. Are these the same thing?
  12. I am not just looking for one part but for an item. I want to find a luggage rack for my 48 Desoto Suburban all at one time, one spot, one seller. My dream parts
  13. What have some of you used to polish Glass? I am lucky I have no scratches Just water stains at the rear window, were the water sat and dried. Hs anyone used a kit like Eastwood or ? I can not see any markings Like Desoto, Mopar, ECT. was their any back then?
  14. I want to thank you all. The book is on order, Even at Grain-it has sent me pictures and is going to work on a kit for me.
  15. Sniper is correct they are 2.5 wide.
  16. I am try to learn about the woodgrain in in my suburban. What the colors were suppose to be. I am coming up blank in my search here looks like i need more training. Would someone please point me in the general direction. Thanks to anyone who can help.
  17. Do your shock point forward like my 48 Desoto or point inward at the top like my 50 Dodge and 70 Dodge. what is the rear tube diameter? 3 inch diameter the shock plate for a late 60's -70's Mopar 8 3/4 should help. The shocks on those cars were behind the rear end. just put the left one the right so the shocks in the front and so on. sounds like this would work in my head. Good luck.
  18. Depending on rear end tube diameter May be some thing like a Mopar rear lower plate that the u bolts go thought form a 8 3/4 ( 3 inch u bolts). Late 60's 70's or a pickup? Good luck
  19. Is buying new better then having our own rebuilt? I think there are still rebuilders out there? I will also be at this point soon.
  20. That tie rod and shape and location to the sway bar and the shape of the sway bar look a lot like the front end on my 95 Dodge truck.
  21. I would like some help, PLEASE. I have read many post about swaps from one flathead to another flathead. Of the same size/length. It seam that some have said that a later year 230 has more horsepower then an earlier year 230. I just picked 230. Is this do to compression, camshafts, pistons ? Thanks to all that reply. Frank
  22. The Gyromatic wiring at the air cleaner looks like this on my 50 Coronet. Hope this helps
  23. I just saw a 1931 Plymouth coupe for sale and the ad said they had no vin no.? I have never heard of this. I had a friend in High School that had a 1932 Plymouth, And I do not remember him saying anything about that. What do any of you know of this? Is this car a special case? Frank
  24. James, That is what i am looking for. I have not tried to remove them until I learn how . Frank
  25. Here are some pictures Marcel had asked for of my trim and clip that might help someone identify how to remove them and where to get new ones. Thank you, Frank
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