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Everything posted by DJK

  1. I sent mine to Autoinstruments in Martinsville, Va. for repair. $235.00. Be sure you are not in a hurry to get it done unless they understand you need it promptly.
  2. DJK

    muffler choice

    Thanks for all the replies. I am not looking for obnoxious loud, just a mellow tone. I ride my son's Yamaha Raider 1900 with straight pipes and a tuner, that is very loud!!! I have experienced a local idiot on a crotch rocket that feels the need to rev the engine as he passes you at a high rate of speed, not pleasant, he will be dealt with by the local authorities or hopefully a deer will jump out in front of him!!! I live out in the country and drive the vehicle a couple times a week, noise is not a concern. PS Greg, had a DynoMax turbo flow on my 08 Nissan Frontier 4.0 6 speed manual, very mellow.
  3. Anyone have any experience with Brockman mellow tones, Smithys or Cherry bomb mufflers? 52 Cranbrook, stock engine, single carb., single exhaust.
  4. My Cranbrook has only one bolt and a tang that goes into a hole. Just went out and checked to be sure, there is a hole for another bolt, guess I'll be putting another one in it.
  5. DJK

    drive shaft boot

    Got a couple of leather boots from Rich Hartung.
  6. DJK

    drive shaft boot

    I didn't have to disassemble the cross pin to replace the boot(lots of lube). Just not happy with the early failure of the rubber. Do you have a part number or application for the leather boot? Thanks again for the info.
  7. Just noticed my rear boot is cracked on the driveshaft, has 3k miles on it, front one looks great(original??). The boot came from Andy Bernbaum. Does anyone have a more durable boot suggestion w/o changing the whole driveshaft to modern joints. Tried the search function with no luck. Thanks in advance.
  8. Click on the 3 dots on the far right next to author.
  9. DJK

    New paint

    First car show, first trophy!! not sure what place I received, had to leave before presentations for my grandsons last little league all star game(they won the tournament).
  10. Speedi Sleeve #99156 National seal # 8160S worked on my 52 Cranbrook
  11. DJK

    Stuck valves

    Have added brake fluid to leaky P/S systems, helps swell seals to stop leaks.
  12. Great pictures. Upstate NY is getting tons of rain, son in law is having difficult time with second cutting.
  13. DJK

    New paint

    Car looks much better, I reinstalled the grill, front bumper etc. last night, just need to install side trim pieces. Cruise in Friday, car show Sunday, weather looks good for a change.
  14. DJK

    New paint

    Got the call last night, car is done, heading down this morning to get it.
  15. I have a Carter 6v + ground pump, love it.
  16. DJK

    New paint

    Heading back to the body shop today to get the issues corrected. I have removed all the trim to make their job easier. It's hard to imagine that it took less time for them to tape off the trim as opposed to removing it!! Fingers crossed.
  17. DJK

    230 tear down

    Sniper, on my 52 Cranbrook I used a Honda seal for the speedo adapter #91204-HB3-004. Shift shaft seal from Clear Water Hydraulics # 2-111/Q (7/16 x 5/8 x 3/32), the other shift shaft seal was an O ring of suitable size.
  18. DJK

    New paint

    He is very active, has 3 other guys in the shop, which they specialize in building street rods. Also he is connected to a local cable TV provider that he set up yrs. ago that his son now runs. He is very busy with the local fire dept., just had some localized flooding in the area, that he helped in clean up. He counted out the cash I gave him and no receipt.
  19. DJK

    New paint

    That is why I was willing to have him improve the existing paint for $4-$500 wet sand and buff, that went to a $12-$1300 paint job and end result, with some slight body work for $4500. My main bitch is that I was not contacted prior to him completing the job for the $4500 price. I spoke with him this morning, he is going to address some concerns that I have with the job. I painted my first car when I was 14 in my parents single car garage, painted many of my buddies cars until I started turning wrenches at 20 yrs of age. At 67 I have no desire to paint a car in my own garage. Also I don't want it perfect, like you stated for fear of driving it, I have 8 grandkids that enjoy riding in Papa's car.
  20. DJK

    New paint

    Again, I have known this guy for 45 yrs., he painted a 1975 MGB for me back in 1977, he was in a model airplane club with my Dad. I don't even have a receipt. Going to see him today to see what can be done. I guess I am too trusting or naïve or just plain stupid!!!!!
  21. Sniper, mine is a Mac CF-17
  22. DJK

    New paint

    I understand the $4500 cost, but I was initially told $12-$1300, with no warning of the final price until I picked it up. Not to mention the areas that still need attention.
  23. DJK

    New paint

    No idea what they used, but I do know there is 2 coats of clear on it.
  24. Third brake lite also!!!!
  25. DJK

    New paint

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