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Everything posted by CO54

  1. There should be a felt like sea/gasket there with little metal push pins...... Can't see how welding 'em up would hurt other than allowing for future metal on metal contact from cowl and hood not having a spacer. Maybe something like this to fill the holes and create a gap, if a good size can be found? https://www.amazon.com/Glove-Door-Bumper-Stoppers-Rubber/dp/B01N7OE5ZB/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?ie=UTF8&qid=1550785723&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=glove+box+bumper&psc=1
  2. I noticed with the current location of my stomper, my size 12 boots found the stomper to be in a comfy spot, so I planned to move it closer to the firewall, but keeping it under the floor pan like it currently is. Cleaner wiring IMHO.
  3. No room to mount floor stomper under?
  4. That's a great looking truck, all the touches are great. I especially like the clear floor over the driveline.
  5. Another option to help. Axle Swap options.docx
  6. The flooring looks good. Simple, and easy to clean in the future. Maybe a bit of sound deadening stuff on the bottom to help with cab noise, heat transfer, and cushioning to not destroy the rattle can floor? My 2 cents.....
  7. Sample of current:
  8. SOOO True!!!!!
  9. I'd also thought about setting up my 3/4 ton for towing my 3500# popup camper. After some consideration and seeing what the total GVW is on the truck and not really feeling comfortable with the power I'll have in the mountains I've turned against that option for me. Even with an engine upgrade and other items, I still wouldn't feel comfortable towing without doing some serious frame stiffening in the rear to support the additional trailer weight and inertia from a hard stop.
  10. I know the window gaskets have been flying around the forum for years, however I'm trying to figure out if the window gaskets sold by DCM, Steele, and other vendors are a single piece gasket. It's hard to tell from looking at the pictures available and the lack of descriptions. I'm asking this because all the fixed windows on my C1 have a 2 piece locking gaskets like the one in this link: https://www.amazon.com/Rubber-Locking-Stripping-Seal-Tow-Piece/dp/B00NUHRE6S/ref=asc_df_B00NUHRE6S/?tag=bingshoppinga-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid={creative}&hvpos={adposition}&hvnetw=o&hvrand={random}&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=e&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl={devicemodel}&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=&hvtargid=pla-4584001418518313&psc=1 With a cost of $35.00 for 15', that's a lot less painful than some of the solid one piece options, especially with the limited availability for C1's. Any thoughts on a cost effective and viable option? Thanks Eric
  11. Radar Since you'll be done with your truck here pretty soon it seems, maybe you should start planning a vacation to drive around and kicking a few of us in the arse that might be slacking on progress, skills, or imagination. Your sketching skills could also be beneficial. Thanks. Eric
  12. Based on reading through this and knowing that I'll end up with some misc parts that are still of value to me or someone else. When the time comes I can see posting in the classified section with a buyer pays shipping. I also see this forum as band of brothers/sisters with the same goals of keeping em alive and helping each other with knowledge, input and parts as needed. Why ruin it..... Just my 2 cents, and I do agree that shipping on everything has gotten ridonkulous no matter where you are.
  13. We're pretty frugal too, only reason I added the house number was because our internet provider was through DSL, and it was cheaper to have a phone/internet bundle than having internet alone. Don't ask me but that's how it worked. We made it last night without any scam calls, I think the wife gets the majority through the day, and she surely isn't as nice I am with them. LOL.
  14. Thanks for the heads up!!!!
  15. I got a call last night on the "unlisted house phone #" with Col Oliver North wanting to deliver a message from an organization I belonged to years ago. 1st guy started rattling off about the message, played it, then another guy got on the line. When I asked what happened to 1st guy, he said it's an automated call system, I responded great, get in your automated system and remove my unlisted number from your system now. He then said he couldn't see my number, so I said you need to figure it out and pull this number NOW! Surprisingly he found it and deleted it...... Just tired of getting scam calls on a phone number that I've never given out to anyone but family.
  16. Those are the same gauges I've been looking at, I leaning towards trying to keep the original speedo, and updating the other 4 in the original cluster if possible. Only time will tell when I get to that point if it's possible. Thanks for all the great pics and work though. Eric
  17. What size gauges did you use? How wide is the 54 cluster opening?
  18. I'm probably gonna end up with Jeep wheels for a bit on my build, especially as the front disc/rear axle upgrades occur.
  19. Thanks for the clarification......
  20. Any concern with how close the RF brake line appears to be with the headers?
  21. Is that a 4 wheel drive hub on the front axle?
  22. The front hit us last night and isn't expected to pass till Sunday. Just kinda sleeting on us here, snow is in the mountains though, just cold with the wind.
  23. Ok. Thanks.
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