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Everything posted by 1947PLEVY

  1. Joel: Can't wait to see the finished poduct. What are you going to name it? Take Care and God Bless... Good Luck...John 47Plevy:)
  2. I've used simple green and got pretty good results on my leather couch for getting ink stains off.. Just takes a little time. God Bless Us All... John 47Plevy
  3. Are you sure it's the car overheating?? John
  4. True Story: Back in 87 I was heading to work one morning about 6am and a deer jumped a fence and started running beside the car (84 topaz) I slowed down to about 30mph and the deer leapt over the car completely and kept on truckin'. Amazed me!!! God Bless Us All.. John
  5. I have a 9 acre field out in front of my house and when we see that many deer, we call it a STAG party.. Take Care and God Bless.. John 47Plevy
  6. Thank You Don: I really appreciate it.. Take Care and God Bless... John
  7. Our gas here in N.E. Tenn. went from $3.49 to $3.99 in a matter of hours and all the gas stations in town are out of regular. They only have premium at $4.59 a gallon. I guess I'll stay at home until it goes back down a little.. God Bless Us All... John
  8. Hey Don: Was Gary there? Next time you see him, take a few more shots of his car for me. He was telling me about it the other day, but said he didn't have a camera. So if you don't mind, I'd appreciate it. Thank You and God Bless Us All... John 47Plevy
  9. Very nice find, wish I could be that lucky.. John
  10. Merle: That one puts a meaning to the ols saying " Hell hath no Fury like a woman scorned". I'll show it to my wife when she gets in today, hopefully it won't give her any ideas.. What a great bunch of people on this forum, my hats off to everyone.. Take Care and God Bless Us All.. John
  11. Yes, Very well thought out.. Do you reckon his wife wrote the lyrics too? John
  12. ED: Looks like she has the right idea...look who's doing the wash....of the car.. Don: I tried your way. But somehow it backfired. I think she used reverse psychology on me.. I'm a wimp.. John
  13. My wife walked in while I was listening to it. Man O Man I gotta a stare. (If looks could kill).. I had some explaining to do, but she listened to it in full and laughed so hard it brought tears to her eyes. VERY WISE WORDS!!!! John
  14. Thanks for the advice. I know there is a gap at the front, but didn't know about the hood having a gap between it and the fenders, but that shouldn't be a problem. I have the car sub framed with a S-10 front end, so I've welded the grille panel to the fenders and putting supports behind it and it will be hinged from the front of the frame. I plan on cutting the fenders at an angle (about ten o'clock) back up to the hood with about 3 inches or so at the top of the fender left (where it bolts to the body). My real question is does the edge of the hood (cowl end) line up with the edge of the fender where it bolts to the body? Thank's for any advice. John 47plevy
  15. Hi All: I have a question pertaining to the hood and fender line up. I plan on welding the hood to the fender and making a tilt front end on my 47 P-15. I know the medalion on the front of the hood has a gap at the bottom, where it has the nose piece with the plymouth lettering. so would the hood line up with the end of the fenders (by the Doors)? I thank you all in advance for your advice. God Bless Us All... John 47plevy
  16. I dunno, I'd have to ask my wife she does the windows.... John
  17. I have one of these that came with my parts car. it just mounts to the firewall and the rubber hose goes into the top of the master cyclinder. John 47PLEVY I have a picture of it somewhere or could dig it out and take one..
  18. They are for the grab strap in the back seat area. My 47 P-15 has one on each side. Take Care and God Bless Us All.. John aka 47PLEVY
  19. Don: Check your pm.. I have one just needs to be buffed and shined up. John Ennis 47PLEVY
  20. I figured it'd be worth twice that much since being on epay....LOL:) john 47PLEVY
  21. Skrambler: I have a 47 P-15 that has a rear end (still under car) and both front spindles complete (upper and lower A frames)with springs and drive shaft and a steering box with column and shifter. I live 6 miles south of the Ky border. My kin live in LaGrange and it takes about 2hrs to get there from here. Pretty much straight down I-65 to Smiths Grove then south about 45 minutes to my house, south on 31-E to westmoreland. I don't know if the parts will fit or not, but someone else might chime in on it. Many extra parts, but they are for the 47 P-15 4dr. pm me if interested. John Ennis aka 47PLEVY
  22. Hey Don: How about just saying "LOOKS ORIGINAL" with a few minor modifications? Take Care and did you all have a safe trip? God Bless Us All John Ennis aka 47PLEVY
  23. Morn All: Here is a quick question for ya'll. I have came across a 68 chevy truck and I'm using the wiring harness out of it. How hard would it be to use the electric wiper motor setup in it? Maybe a little shortening of the pivot arm or just have to wait to get it out and see what it'll take. I'm also only using just the head off the radio so I should have a little more clearance there. I've also thought about using the whole heater assembly in it. Anybody try it? I'm going with the tilt front end but somehow plan on using the inner splash panels. Take Care and God Bless Us All.. John Ennis aka 47PLEVY
  24. Morn All: I've had luck both ways, with them on and with them off. When they're off you have to be careful about where they mount back to the body. If it's just a dent or a ding in it. I'd just use a rubber mallet and dolly until almost where I want it then the little hammer. If having to use any bondo or filler, when you think you are done use a clean cotton rag (flat against your hand) and rub the area to see how good you have it. But really it's a matter of how much work needs to be done on the metal and how much time you want to put in it. Everyone Take Care and God Bless...Sure could use a p-15 46-48 clock don't have to work just to fill in the hole. John Ennis aka 47PLEVY Don's Northern Neighbor:confused:
  25. Rodney: I had a 74 maverick and you could hear it squeaking a mile down the road, but when it rained it was so quiet. My guess is a bushing of somekind, maybe A-Frame. Just my penny worth. John Ennis aka 47PLEVY P.S. Your cars are undescribalbe. Very fine looking machines. Also I'm looking for a rich uncle who has forgot about me and remembers me in his will...HINT HINT.LOL...Take Care and God Bless Us All..
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