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Everything posted by 1947PLEVY

  1. Lou: Check your pm and email about this..John 47 Plevy
  2. Lou: I was wondering about the white headliner and two pieces of material for the center posts..email me... Take Care and God Bless...John 47 Plevy
  3. Don: I think he put that there for weight, so he don't get stuck.. John
  4. Darin: I'll see what I have on the old parts car, I'm sure I have it. Still pretty much complete.. Just been cutting sheet metal out of it and putting in the other. God Bless... John 47Plevy
  5. Looks like somebody has alot of work to do!!!! John 47Plevy
  6. Lou: Looks Great!! Check your email where you emailed me the other day. Take Care and God Bless Us All...John 47Plevy
  7. GEEZ!!!! I could have bought a REAL DREAM CAR for that amount of $$$$$$$.. and then a few more DREAMED $$$$$$$$'s. God Blesss Us All.. John 47Plevy
  8. Darin: Mine are pitted chrome.... Take Care John 47 plevy
  9. Darin: I believe there is one on the bay right now.. I have one, but yours is better.. Take Care John 47 Plevy
  10. Darin: I saw on the bay a set of left and right fender trim...starting at $125.00 Kinda steep IMHO... Take Care and God Bless Us All... John 47 Plevy
  11. Thanks Mike: I didn't know and thought I'd ask. If you happen to see a set on the bay email me and bring it to my attention, I've been watching and only seen a few sets, few and far between.. Take Care and God Bless...John 47 Plevy
  12. Hey Mike: Have you thought any more about the other set of seat covers that you didn't use, I believe you were going to use the green ones and I was interested in the others if they will fit a 47 P-15 4dr Special Deluxe bench seats in front and rear...Thank You and God Bless.. John 47Plevy:rolleyes:
  13. Also check item# 250091032934 on the bay.... don't sound bad, no bids as of yet.. Take Care and God Bless.. John 47Plevy:)
  14. Heaven: Check your email..... God Bless... John 47Plevy
  15. Welcome: I'm sure you'll find alot of people here that will help with any of your questions, as I have... God Bless Us All... John Ennis 47Plevy
  16. Hey has anyone noticed that sometimes the message you post has the same number. Maybe that's why it says I just joined:( I was hoping to be someone one day.. Laughter is the best Medicine!!!! God Bless Us All.... John Ennis 47 Plevy
  17. Bob: I have two 47 special deluxes, one has a lock on the glove box and the other don't, so I can't answer that for you. Take Care and God Bless.. John Ennis 47Plevy
  18. Blueskies, If you still have the oil pan off, take a small ballpeen hammer and tap on the rod caps and main bearing caps and see if they sound the same, if not could be a bearing failure... Hopefully not and crossing my fingers for you. God Bless Us All.. John Ennis 47 Plevy
  19. Wow!!! I am REALLY somebody, an actor, a baseball player, and a top ranked shootist. Lifted my EGO, I thought I was just normal, well close to it anyway. Maybe I could steal their Identies and make something out of my self, instead of being fat,bald and toothless. Naw, I like being myself .. Everyone Take Care and God Bless...John 47Plevy
  20. When I posted a part needed, I used my email address in the correct way of entering it, you wouldn't believe all the garbage I recieved, so I went back and spelled it out??? Go figure. I believe they have programs that pick up on email address and spam the Devil out of them.. My 2 cents. John Ennis 47 Plevy
  21. Heaven... My floor boards are pretty bad also, but I plan on using old hoods for the metal. I have found that the older model plymouth arrow late 70's will work best. And as someone mentioned, alot of cutting discs and patience welding them in. Hopefully not too long before I start that project. The very last thing to do will be the paint job. I do have an extra parts car that I can use some of the floorboards from, but they have rust also, mainly around the door sills. but It just takes time and patience. Take Care and God Bless Us All... John Ennis 47Plevy
  22. Heaven... jerrye937 is his ebay name. I believe his email is TIGGER88 at peoplepc dot com. Tell him Fruffy sent you... Take care and God Bless, hope this helps.. John Ennis 47 Plevy
  23. Heaven.... The panels I purchased have the holes for the door and window handles, arm rest on the front ones,also have the holes for the original clips that hold it on to the door. But I didn't see any marks or anything for the chrome trim pieces you are asking about. Sorry I couldn't be more help. If you get in touch with the man he maybe able to help you out on that. I have 4 old door panels that have the trim on them, but in terrible shape. I don't know if I could get measurements for you or not. Don't know how to do the pic...thing on this forum. But if I had you email (home) I can do it that way. email me if you want me to try for you. God Bless Us All... John Ennis 47Plevy
  24. jerrye937 sells replacement panels (door) on ebay from time to time at a reasonable price if you needed new ones. I don't know if he sells them with the trim or not, mine didn't come with the chrome pieces, but still very pleased with his product. He will also sell matching material for the armrests and such. Bought mine,all 4 plus 3 pieces of material 2x3 ft for $95.80 and 28 something for shipping in the total price of the 95.80.. May God Bless Us All... John Ennis
  25. Thanks Lou: Email me when it's done... God Bless.. John Ennis
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