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Everything posted by 1947PLEVY

  1. Lou: I too would be interested in the headliner for a 47 P-15 4dr. the color would be White. email me with what details you have about this and maybe a pic or 2.... God Bless Us All....John Ennis 47Plevy
  2. Thank You Bob, I hope this helps her out...May God Bless Us All.. John Ennis 47 Plevy
  3. Hello: Can anyone help out Beverly by posting a pic of part # 23-18-4? It has to do with the door latch assembly it's for a 46-48 ply.... Any help would be greatly appreciated..Thank You and God Bless.... John Ennis 47Plevy
  4. Mike: The 47 Plevy is a 47 4dr P-15 Special Deluxe. It's been sub-framed with a S10, so is kinda Hybrid Plymouth and Chevy = PLEVY I know, too much imagination... Take Care and God Bless.. John Ennis 47Plevy
  5. Don: Next time, come up to the land and I can fix you up. Got a complete set of trim for a 4dr..minus rocker and fender pieces. But from what I heard you were adjusting the "RACE WINNER" for the next BIG ONE!!!! Take Care in the Boro And GoD Bless Us ALL.. John Ennis 47Plevy
  6. Can Anyone post a pic.. of this for her??? I believe I have what she needs, but want to make sure.. Thanks in advance and God Bless Us All... John Ennis 47Plevy
  7. If you use the green ones and want to part with the red ones ..shoot me an email and we'll see if we can't work something out. I think the red would look good in mine, The"BOSS" wants the car as white as much as possible, but almost have her convinced that it needs some other color to give it a look of some kind instead of a bowl of sugar.. Take Care and God Bless.. John Ennis 47Plevy
  8. Great Finish!!!! Too bad for Jr. and Stewart and a few more. Must of been a record of some kind to cross the finish line on your roof. Probably had to do a little cleaning afterward.... Too Bad for Martin... God Bless Us All......John Ennis 47Plevy
  9. I bought from first class parts and am pleased with them. I bought the Package Tray, Kick Panels,Glove Box, and Trunk Divider. Total cost with shipping was $136.13... I purchased the Door Panels Off Ebay got them at $95.80, But that had 3 extra pieces of material, I don't think I did too bad, I started to use old paneling, but decided to go the other way, Now all I need is seat covers, headliner and carpet. I have the original rubber mats, but would rather have carpet. God Bless Us All John Ennis 47Plevy
  10. Check your inbox...John 47Plevy
  11. Hey All: Just a little update on what I've been doing lately...Not much Too Cold.. HA!!! I've been searching bone yards trying to figure out what my P-15 was sub framed with and finally found out, It's a S-10.. Now I can get the motor mounts and set the motor and tranny in it. Also I've welded the back fenders on and bondoed the seams, doesn't look to bad. I still need to get the headliner and seat covers, but Uncle Sam will provide (TAXES). I have the door panels on order. I'll have a few spots to patch on the floorboard, but not too bad. I've gotten pretty good on using the wire welder over the past year. Well trying to boost my # of posts so I can be somebody. Take Care and God Bless Us All John Ennis 47 Plevy:rolleyes:
  12. I know, I know, My wife says I don't listen anyway, But gotta do things differently... God Bless.. John 47 Plevy
  13. Very NICE looking.. I can't never get lucky on deals like that. God Bless.. John 47 Plevy
  14. Hi All and Merry Christmas: I was wondering if anyone has used the seat covers for a P-15 from J.C.Whitney. If so how did they fit and look? Are they worth it? Thank You and God Bless Us All!!! John Ennis 47Plevy
  15. Skrambler: Hi. I'm looking for a gas tank for a 47 P15 4dr. Do you still have one and if so what's the total cost? Thank You and God Bless.. John Ennis 47 Plevy
  16. Travis: The whole top of my tank is rusted out and not too sure about the bottom, I'd say it shot and needs replacement. Any one have an extra one that we might be able to barter on or I'll buy? I have a complete 47 p-15 4dr that I'm using parts off of. Still has many parts. Thank You and God Bless.. John Ennis 47 Plevy
  17. Hi All: Got a question concerning a gas tank. Would a gas tank from a 1940 ply.. fit a 47 P-15? Thanks in advance. God Bless Us All.. John Ennis 47 Plevy
  18. Don: What is the difference in the D24 vs the P15 springs? John Ennis:confused:
  19. I say post them, especially if you are not bidding on them, but on the other hand if you are going to bid, then don't post them. Someone may need the part and missed it. If you see a part that's of interest and don't want to bid, then what's it going to hurt to post it. But if you want it...MUMS the word.. My 2 cents...God Bless Us All.....John 47 Plevy
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