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Everything posted by HanksB3B

  1. The 'Back Lash Checking Indicator' made by K.R. Wilson is just what I need. I've been getting a lot of that from the little woman lately. I'm in Southern California too. Could I pick it up before Valentines Day. I promise I'll let you know what it does. Hank P.S. Really, I've got a great wife. She didn't even flinch when she saw the rusty old radio delete plate I got on Ebay today. I think she likes our truck more than I do.
  2. Hope this helps. Hank
  3. Please let me know.... Hank
  4. I guess my truck had the original radio, but I guess someone threw it out somewhere along Highway 61. Then someone drilled and cut the dash, so I at least restored it to original (see pic). I still hope I find one but in the meantime I'll get this plate to match the green and try to be happy. Thanks, Hank
  5. Guess what it is and I'll tell you why... Hank
  6. Uncle Bob, Not original doesn't bother me. All the sheet metal parts are powder coated on my truck. Rust bothers me, and yes "Not a good idea" also does. I should've, could've, would,ve been more careful and taken the steering column and box totally apart before it was powder coated. My heart's down on the farm but the rest of me is in Los Angeles. Probably no one ever heard of "John Deere Corn head lube"...but I'll Google it, get some and use it. I'll take your advice. Thanks, Hank
  7. Thank you Uncle Bob and Greg. I'm glad to know there may be some hope for my steering box. I read about removing the shims in the service manual, but not from a hands-on perspective. I mean it wasn't described how to feel for the play etc. I feel a lot more comfortable now in attempting this and am very appreciative for sharing your experience with me. A few things you should know: 1. The Steering Box was always sloppy from the day I got the truck in 1979. 2. I think (hope) I kept it lubricated until I parked it in 1985. 3. During the restoration process the Steering Box and Steering Column (attached) was powder-coated as an assembly. It returned a little funky, in that what appeared to be rusty oil was leaking out, so I guess it wasn't "dry". 4. I think at some point what greg mentions as " you don't want to over do it" might have been overdone, as a alignment shop pointed out to me that the slotted adjustment screw was locked-up, or frozen. What damage is if any is done by overtightening the adjusting screw. 5. I had heard from a swapmeet vendor specializing in rebuilt steering boxes that rather than use gear oil he packed the boxes with synthetic grease. Do you think this is a good practice ? Thanks, Hank
  8. That's sounds about good to me. Before I do make that change I want to have my steering box re-built so as not to terrify the wife. I have the name of someone in the Los Angeles area that a few people have recommended. I think "CJ" 310-323-1893 quoted me about $125.00 which seems reasonable. There's also an outfit in North Carolina I've heard good things about from P15-D24 guys here. My friend Andy has a NOS one that he bought 20 years ago when swapmeets had MOPAR items, but breaking and entering is not my thing. I wish he'd put it on his truck already. Thanks, Hank
  9. Sorry about the F word. Here's what it looks like. I chose to got with the low-profile of the extrusion as to me it looked more original than using the high side up. I think I spoke to John at Carpenter's, He was real helpful. I'd ask for him and see if he remembers what he shipped to Hank Spielberg. There was also some solid rubber fender welt I used where the fenders meet the cab. Good Luck, Hank P.S. do look for the previous posts re this topic.
  10. I have 15" wheels with oversized tires P235/75/R15 When you say cars, I'm guessing you mean P15-P24s right? Thanks, Hank
  11. What would be the original ratio of a 1951 B3B 1/2 ton. My truck seems to top out around 50mph. I think original is 411 but not sure. If I intend to hardly ever carry a load, only two people what size would I want to find to put into my rear end so that I could cruise at 60-65-70mph. Thanks. Hank
  12. Does anyone have, or know where I can get the original oil cap ? (Like the one shown here, from whoever did such a great job restoring his found the pictures on an external site and before I could bookmark it my computer froze up. So if anyone knows where this picture came from, please let me know). Thanks, Hank
  13. If your King Pins need replacing Thanks, Hank
  14. The rebuild on mine seemed marginal. I think I paid $245 and when I picked it up he explained that he couldn't get the lower cast iron hose fitting. So I'm probably a radiator problem waiting to happen. To me the radiator is the one item I would not care if were OEM so long as it gave superior cooling. The price looks good... Hank
  15. I'll be doing that tomorrow. On my R.R one came off easy and I fought with the other one for at least 15 minutes. Replaced the Master cylinder and R.R last week and decided to do L.R, R.F and L.F. Was quoted $40 each for rebuild and $60 ea. if they needed to be sleeved. Roberts Motor Parts has the Master Cylinder for $129, the rears cylinders for $24 ea (x4) and the fronts for $45. Total was just over $300. Everything so far has been a perfect fit so far. Hank
  16. Knowing of the problem, I purchased one from Napa it came in a tired old plastic bag. It fit perfectly so I ordered another one. It came in a yellow and white box, was oversize one so I didn't take it. I hope it gets straightened out soon. Hank
  17. Brings back memories. My grandfathers always gave me their old cars back in the day, but they weren't much on tools. Maybe they were the skipped generation. Thanks for writing the story, totally enjoyed it. Hank
  18. and I have a couple more of them cad plated and in storage. Does anyone know where I can find out the lengths and their appropriate applications for cars and trucks. They wouldn't have made a whole bunch of different sizes would they? Hank
  19. The engine s/n is in the upper left hand corner of this picture just below the head and above the freeze plug. Where to go from there maybe one of the more experienced members can help us both out. Hank
  20. ssdodge51, So the journey begins. Napa is a decent source for component parts. Junkyards to me were always the most exciting finds, but with the advent of Ebay you won't get your boots greasy. Because of the simplicty of our trucks, if it can't be found it can be made. I only know him as "CJ" but from what I hear here in California he is the best at fixing Steering Boxes (which I'm close to commiting to). 310-323-1893. Best of luck, Hank
  21. archeologists do when the find a Wooly Mammoth. Start digging! What a find! Best of luck! Hank
  22. But you do have some work ahead of you.... Hank
  23. http://www.vimeo.com/1778399
  24. Does this event take place ? Thanks, Hank
  25. Who should I buy from online ? I've run into the oversize sock problem and would like to replace the make-shift paper filter I'm using with the real deal. Please let me know who arries the correct sock. Thanks, Hank
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